Difference Between LPG vs Natural Gas

LPG is propane and natural gas is methane. In a comparison of the differences between LPG vs Natural Gas, both are flammable hydrocarbon gases but they have different energy content, density, storage methods and the amount of air required for proper combustion.

However, they are used for many of the same applications.

In Australia, we rely on LPG, natural gas, LNG and CNG for our energy needs.  

LPG and Natural Gas are widely available and used for thousands of applications in homes and business. 


How Does LPG and Natural Gas Differ?  What are the Key Differences?

LPG and Natural Gas are also known as Propane and Methane, their chemical names. Propane (C3H8) is the same as LPG. Methane (CH4) is the same as refined natural gas.

Butane and isobutane (both C4H10) are also considered to be LPG gases.

Natural gas (methane) vs LPG (propane)

Differences between methane and propane:

• LPG (propane) and natural gas (methane) have different chemical formulas: Methane is CH4.  Propane is C3H8.

• LPG has a higher calorific value - energy content - than natural gas, with 93.2MJ/m3 vs 38.7MJ/m3.

• For proper combustion, LPG requires an air to gas ratio of approximately 25:1 whilst natural gas requires a 10:1 ratio.

• LPG (propane) is more dense than air, at a relative density of 1.5219:1 vs natural gas (methane) at 0.5537:1, which is lighter than air.

• LPG can be compressed into a liquid and stored or transported in a cylinder or larger vessel.

• Natural gas and LPG appliances operate at different pressures.

• LPG can be easily processed into Simulated Natural Gas – SNG – and used as a substitute for natural gas. The same is not true in reverse.

Please read more for all of the details about the differences…

Difference Between LPG vs Natural Gas Properties (Propane vs Methane)

The difference between LPG vs natural gas is easiest to see in their physical properties. LPG has a higher energy content than natural gas (93.2MJ/m3 vs 38.7MJ/m3) and LPG is more dense than natural gas, at a specific gravity of 1.5219:1 vs 0.5537:1, amongst other differences shown below.

LPG (Propane) vs Natural Gas (Methane)


Gas Properties



Natural Gas


Chemical Formula



Energy Content: MJ/m3



Energy Content: Btu/ft3



Energy Content: MJ/kg



Boiling Temp: Cº



Flame Temp: Cº



Flame Temp: Fº



Gas Volume: m3/kg



Specific Gravity



Density @15ºC: kg/m3



  Note: Some numbers have been rounded.

What is the Difference Between LPG, Natural Gas and CNG?

LPG, natural gas and CNG are all different. Natural gas is methane whilst LPG is propane, butane, isobutane or a mixture of the three. The only difference between piped natural gas and CNG - Compressed Natural Gas - is the mode of delivery.

So, is LP gas is not the same as natural gas.

Whilst both LPG and CNG come in cylinders, they are different gases and CNG is stored at a much higher pressure.

Storage pressure of LPG is less than 2 MPa whilst CNG is 20 – 25 MPa.

LPG also has a higher energy content than CNG, with 25MJ/L versus 9MJ/L, respectively.

What is the Difference Between PNG and LPG?

PNG is the acronym for "piped natural gas".

So the difference between PNG and LPG is the same as the difference between natural gas and LPG.

PNG or natural gas is methane whilst LPG is propane, butane, isobutane or a mixture of the three.

All of the other differences are the same as stated above.

Can I Have 1 Piped Gas and 1 LPG Gas Connection?

Sure, there is no reason why you coldn't have two different types of gas connection.

However, they are not interchangeable.

The appliances that run on the piped gas connection cannot be used on the LPG gas connection and vice versa.   

Is Propane Natural Gas?

Propane is a natural gas inasmuch as it is refined from raw natural gas, as well as being sourced from oil refining. However, the natural gas that is delivered via gas mains is mostly methane, while propane is just propane.

Propane Formula

The chemical formula for propane is C3H8.

The chemical formula for LPG can be the same, when it contains only propane.

However, it can also contain butane and isobutane.

The chemical formula for both butane and isobutane are the same - C4H10.

Natural Gas Formula

The chemical formula for natural gas is CH4.

To be accurate, this is the chemical formula for methane, which is the primary constituent of refined natural gas.

Raw natural gas, straight out of the ground, also contains natural gas liquids and various impurities.