LPG Vehicle Safety

·         There are millions of LPG cars being successfully used around the world. 

·         LPG has been used safely in Australian vehicles for many decades. 

Safety Features

Australian LPG fuel systems have evolved and constantly improved over that time.

LPG systems are fitted with a myriad of safety devices and design considerations. 

As you can see, LPG conversions include numerous safety features to keep you and your family safe.

The result is that LPG cars are at least as safe as petrol vehicles.

Insurance Parity

The true testimonial for Autogas safety is the cost of insurance. 

It costs no more to insure an LPG car than a petrol car. 

Insurance companies are experts in risk assessment. 

If LPG cars were more dangerous, you can be certain the insurance companies would be charging more to insure them.

Are LPG Cars Safer than Petrol?

For some reason people are overly concerned with the safety of LPG cars. 

What is truly amazing about this is that LPG autogas vehicles may actually be safer than petrol models.

Decades of Learning

LPG has been used safely in Australian vehicles for many decades. 

Australian LPG fuel systems have evolved and constantly improved over that time.

Steel Not Plastic

Toroidal LPG tank

Did you know that some new petrol cars come with plastic or composite fuel tanks? 

Autogas tanks are typically made from welded heavy gauge steel. 

The steel is generally 3mm to 6mm thick, depending on the tank design.

An LPG tank is designed to withstand many times its maximum operating pressure. 

They are much more puncture resistant and will survive much greater impacts than a typical petrol (gasoline), ethanol or diesel tank.

The tank mounting systems are also designed to ensure that the tank will not become dislodged, even in a 20 G impact.

Overfill Protection

overfill protection

Autogas tanks are designed with an Automatic Fill Limiter (AFL) to prevent overfilling so the release of excess fuel during the refuelling process is virtually eliminated. 

On the other hand, most of us have experienced petrol spills. 

Also, unlike spilled petrol, which will puddle under your car, any LPG that might escape just dissipates into the air.

Pressure Relief Valves

Autogas tanks are designed to withstand even the most extreme conditions. 

The tanks are designed with 20% unused volume to allow for any expansion of the LPG in hot conditions. 

There is also a pressure relief valve that ensures that the internal tank pressure stays within safe tolerances, even when the tank may be exposed to an abnormal amount of heat.

Automatic Shut-off Systems

There are electronically controlled shut-off valves which stops the flow of gas to the engine if the engine stops for any reason. 

Autogas engine fuel systems are also fitted with safety devices and excess flow shut-off valves that function automatically in an emergency. 

Back-Check Valves

Double back-check valves are used to ensure gas tight filling.  This prevents any accidental backflow.  

At least one of the non-return valves in the backflow prevention system is designed to still work even if there is damage to the external filling assembly as the result of an accident or other causes.

Lower Flammability

LPG is less likely to catch fire than petrol.

The autoignition temperature is the minimum temperature required to ignite a gas or vapour in air, without a spark or flame being present. 

Petrol (gasoline) ignites at temperatures as low as 246°C while LPG (propane) ignites at 470°C. 

So, petrol is more likely to catch fire in the event of exposure to a hot exhaust system.

The popular TV show, Fifth Gear, decided to test which fuel was safer in the event of a fuel system leak. 

They simulated leaks that filled the car with fumes and then ignited it. 

The result with LPG was a veritable flash in the pan compared to when petrol fumes destroyed the entire back of the test car. 

Enjoy the video…

Sealed Passenger Compartment

The venting around valves and pipe work is sealed to ensure no LPG enters the passenger compartment of the vehicle.  

Should a leak occur, it would vent harmlessly outside the vehicle.  

In addition, all lines and hoses are protected from loose cargo that could potentially cause damage. 

This actually makes the Fifth Gear leak scenario highly improbable in a real life LPG car.

The Smell of Safety

Smell of Safety

LPG Autogas has a distinct odour which makes it very easy to detect any possible leaks. 

Odourant is added to the LPG for this specific purpose.

Strict Australian Standards

Australian LPG Autogas safety standards have been refined over many years. 

LPG fuel systems for vehicle engines are covered under Australian Standard AS 1425.    

The Standard specifies the requirements for the design and construction of component parts and for their installation in vehicles, as well as for tests, commissioning, and periodic inspection.

This Standard defines the minimum requirements of acceptability.  

The specifications and requirements of AS 1425 are some of the most stringent in the world.

Trained & Authorised Technicians and Certification

The mechanics that work on LPG vehicles are required to have more training than an ordinary car mechanic. 

Specific schooling and knowledge, relating to Autogas systems, is a requirement.

All conversions also require certification.  On completion of an aftermarket installation, the installer will supply a certificate of compliance with AS 1425.  

They will also affix a compliance plate, containing relevant details, within the engine bay of the vehicle.

Same Insurance Premiums

The true testimonial for Autogas safety is the cost of insurance. 

It costs no more to insure an LPG car than a petrol car. 

Insurance companies are experts in risk assessment. 

If LPG cars were more dangerous, you can be certain the insurance companies would be charging more to insure them.

Autogas is Safer for Your Wallet

Don’t forget that you can save a substantial amount of money with autogas. 

Petrol can give your wallet “fuel anorexia”. 

Owning an LPG vehicle and using autogas can help keep your wallet fit and happy.