Acid Gas Removal

Amine Units

Amine-based solvents are an effective method for processing acid gas, from natural gas, associated gases or unconventional gas sources which have varying compositions of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Depending on the composition of raw gas, we implement formulated or generic amine based solvents for an optimal selective processing plant.


Acid Gas Removal Amine Wash


Membrane Technology

In case of carbon dioxide rich gas, meeting product specifications requests a particularly efficient method of removing carbon dioxide. In collaboration with Air Liquide Advanced Separations/Porogen, Air Liquide Engineering & Construction offers hollow fiber membrane technology for selective permeation of carbon dioxide while minimizing hydrocarbon losses. This technology combines high permeability with high hydrocarbon resistance, making it an attractive option for bulk carbon dioxide removal. In addition, the operation is highly flexible, it requires little maintenance, making it ideal for remote and offshore locations.

Cryogenic technology

For natural gas with high COcontent, Cryogenic technology, alone or in combination with the Air Liquide membrane technology, can produce pipeline specification natural gas. High COpartial pressure favors the partial CO2 condensation and making its separation from natural gas even easier. The CO2 and heavy hydrocarbons condense in the cold box and are collected at high pressure. This Air Liquide Engineering & Construction proprietary technology also allows Natural Gas Liquids recovery with almost no additional cost.


CO2 Removal Cryocap




·         Individual or combined solutions can be designed to achieve stringent specifications while optimising economics

·         Very low hydrocarbon losses

·         High energy-efficient processes available