Composite Reaction Mechanisms

Various lines of evidence are used to determine if a reaction occurs in more than one step. Suppose that the kinetic equation for the reaction does not correspond to the balanced equation for the reaction. A simple example is the reaction between hydrogen and iodine chloride, with the formation of iodine and hydrogen chloride:


H2 + 2ICl → I2 + 2HCl.


To make the equation balance, the reaction must be written as shown, with two iodine chloride molecules reacting with a single hydrogen molecule. If this reaction occurred in a single elementary step, the rate would be proportional to the first power of the hydrogen concentration and the square of the iodine chloride concentration. Instead, however, the rate is found to be proportional to both concentrations to the first power, so that it is a second-order reaction:


v = k[H2][ICl].


This can be explained if there is initially a slow reaction between one hydrogen molecule and one of iodine chloride:


H2 + ICl → HI + HCl


(slow)followed by a rapid reaction between the hydrogen iodide formed and an additional molecule of iodine chloride:


HI + ICl → HCl + I2 (fast).


If the second reaction is fast, the hydrogen iodide is removed as fast as it is formed. The rate of the second reaction therefore has no effect on the overall rate, which is the rate of the first step. This mechanism therefore explains the kinetic behaviour but does not prove it; other, more complicated schemes could be devised, but, until there is further evidence, it is expedient to accept the simple mechanism. This is an example of a consecutive reaction, which occurs in two steps, with the intermediate playing a role.

Another piece of evidence for a composite mechanism is the detection of reaction intermediates. In such a case, a reaction scheme must be devised that will account for these intermediates. Sometimes an intermediate can be a fairly stable substance. In other cases the intermediates are unstable species such as atoms and free radicals (fragments of molecules) that subsequently undergo rapid reactions. Free radicals can be detected by spectroscopy and other means. When organic molecules are raised to high temperatures, they decompose into smaller molecules, and organic free radicals have often been detected as intermediates. In an explosion, such as that between hydrogen and oxygen, free radicals such as hydroxyl can be detected.

Composite reaction mechanisms are of various kinds. Aside from the simple consecutive schemes, there are some special mechanisms that give rise to oscillatory behaviour: the amount of a product continuously rises and falls over a period of time. The conditions for this behaviour are that there must be at least two species involved in the reaction and there must be feedback, which means that products of the reaction affect the rate. There are also reaction mechanisms that give rise to what is technically known as chaos, or catastrophe. With such reactions it is impossible to predict the outcome. Chaotic conditions also require that there be feedback and that at least three species be involved.

Sometimes a complex reaction mechanism involves a cycle of reactions such that certain intermediates consumed in one step are regenerated in another. For example, the accepted mechanism of the reaction between hydrogen and bromine, which can be written as


H2 + Br2 → 2HBr,


includes the steps


Br + H 2 → H

Br + HH + Br 2 → HBr + Br.

In the first of these steps a bromine atom is consumed, but in the second a bromine atom is regenerated. This pair of reactions can thus occur with the production of two molecules of hydrogen bromide, the product of the reaction, without loss of bromine atoms. This pair of reactions is called a cycle of reactions, and it can occur a number of times, in which case the reaction is referred to as a chain reaction. The two reactions in which bromine is regenerated are known as the chain-propagating steps. The average number of times the pair of steps is repeated is known as the chain length.

One necessary condition for a proposed reaction mechanism to be correct is that it must account for the overall kinetic behaviour of the reaction—in particular, for the dependence of the reaction rate on the reactant concentrations. For any proposed reaction mechanism, it is possible to write down equations for the rate of each step in terms of the reactant concentration and then to solve the equations for the overall rate. A practical difficulty arises, since no exact mathematical solution is possible for all except the simplest of mechanisms. If one has values for the rate constants, solutions can be obtained with a computer, but explicit rate equations provide more insight into the reactions. One therefore looks for approximate solutions of the equations. One of these is provided by the steady-state treatment, which is applicable if (and only if) the intermediates are species that can be present only at low concentrations. If this condition is satisfied by an intermediate, the rate of change of its concentration during the course of reaction is always small and, as a good approximation, can be assumed to be zero, which means that the intermediate exists in a steady state. This approximation may safely be applied to atoms and free radicals present as reaction intermediates. With this approximation it is usually possible to obtain a reliable approximate equation for the overall reaction rate in terms of reactant concentrations. If this agrees with the experimental behaviour, the mechanism is accepted.

One situation to which the steady-state treatment does not apply is when a reaction is an explosion. Explosions occur because the concentration of intermediates does not remain steady during the course of reaction but rises to a high value so that the reaction goes out of control. This occurs if the reaction mechanism involves a special kind of chain called a branching chain. In the hydrogen-oxygen explosion, for example, the following reaction is known to occur:H + O→ OH + O.In this step a single chain carrier hydrogen atom has produced two chain carriers: a hydroxyl group and an oxygen atom. The number of chain carriers increases rapidly and leads to an explosion.