What is Thermodynamics? What are Laws of Thermodynamics? Gibbs' Phase Rule Internal Energy Zeroth Law Of Thermodynamics Reversible And Irreversible Processes What is an ideal gas? What is the proportional form of the ideal gas law? Equations of state Heat capacity and specific heat Theorem of corresponding states Compressibility factor The First Law of Thermodynamics Joule’s experiment Energy balance What is Enthalpy? Non flow and flow processes limitations of the first law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics Heat Engines Carnot Cycles Heat Pumps and Refrigerators What is Carnot’s theorem? Temperature and Temperature Scales The Clausius Theorem and Inequality What is the Third Law of Thermodynamics? Refrigeration and Liquefaction Thermodynamic Potentials DERIVING MAXWELL'S RELATIONS CLAUSIUS-CLAPEYRON-EQUATION