What is Microkernel?

Microkernel is one of the classification of the kernel. Being a kernel it manages all system resources. But in a microkernel, the user services and kernel services are implemented in different address space. The user services are kept in user address space, and kernel services are kept under kernel address space, thus also reduces the size of kernel and size of operating system as well.



It provides minimal services of process and memory management. The communication between client program/application and services running in user address space is established through message passing, reducing the speed of execution microkernel. The Operating System remains unaffected as user services and kernel services are isolated so if any user service fails it does not affect kernel service. Thus it adds to one of the advantages in a microkernel. It is easily extendablei.e. if any new services are to be added they are added to user address space and hence requires no modification in kernel space. It is also portable, secure and reliable.

Microkernel Architecture

Since kernel is the core part of the operating system, so it is meant for handling the most important services only. Thus in this architecture only the most important services are inside kernel and rest of the OS services are present inside system application program. Thus users are able to interact with those not-so important services within the system application. And the microkernel is solely responsible for the most important services of operating system they are named as follows:

§  Inter process-Communication

§  Memory Management

§  CPU-Scheduling

Advantages of Microkernel


§  The architecture of this kernel is small and isolated hence it can function better.

§  Expansion of the system is easier, it is simply added in the system application without disturbing the kernel.