collection of primary data

One of the major elements and basis of statistical research is data collection, where the most basic data that can be collected in this process is primary data. In other words, we can say that data is the basis of all statistical operations and primary data is the simplest of all data.

Primary data is one of the 2 main types of data, with the second one being the secondary data. These 2 data types have important uses in research, but in this article, we will be considering the primary data type.

We will introduce you to what primary data is, examples, and the various techniques of collecting primary data.

What is Primary Data? 

Primary data is a type of data that is collected by researchers directly from main sources through interviews, surveys, experiments, etc. Primary data are usually collected from the source—where the data originally originates from and are regarded as the best kind of data in research.

The sources of primary data are usually chosen and tailored specifically to meet the demands or requirements of a particular research. Also, before choosing a data collection source, things like the aim of the research and target population need to be identified.

For example, when doing a market survey, the goal of the survey and the sample population need to be identified first. This is what will determine what data collection source will be most suitable—an offline survey will be more suitable for a population living in remote areas without internet connection compared to online surveys.

Examples of Primary Data

This is an important aspect of business strategy that involves the process of gathering information about the target market and customers. The data gathered during market research is primary as it is tailored specifically to meet the business needs.

An organization doing market research about a new product (say phone) they are about to release will need to collect data like purchasing power, feature preferences, daily phone usage, etc. from the target market. The data from past surveys are not used because the product differs.

When conducting academic research or a thesis experiment, students collect data from the primary source. The kind of data collected during this process may vary according to the kind of research being performed—lab experiments, statistical data gathering, etc.

For example, a student carrying out a research project with the aim of finding out the effect of daily intake of fruit juice on an individual's weight will need to take a sample population of 2 or more people, feed them with fruit juice daily and record the changes in their weight. The data gathered throughout this process is primary.

Although people react differently to trauma, there is usually a trait common to people who have gone through the same kind of trauma. The research aimed at finding out how victims of sexual abuse overcame the traumatic experience will include interviewing the survivors, sending them surveys, or any other primary source of data collection.

Experiences differ and every situation is unique. Therefore, using secondary data may not be the best option in this case.

Primary Data Collection Methods

Primary data collection methods are different ways in which primary data can be collected. It explains the tools used in collecting primary data, some of which are highlighted below:

Interview is a method of data collection that involves two groups of people, where the first group is the interviewer (the researcher(s) asking questions and collecting data) and the interviewee (the subject or respondent that is being asked questions). The questions and responses during an interview may be oral or verbal as the case may be.

Interviews can be carried out in 2 ways, namely; in-person interviews and telephonic interviews. An in-person interview requires an interviewer or a group of interviewers to ask questions from the interviewee in a face to face fashion. 

It can be direct or indirect, structured or structure, focused or unfocused, etc. Some of the tools used in carrying out in-person interviews include a notepad or recording device to take note of the conversation—very important due to human forgetful nature.

Telephonic interviews, on the other hand, are carried out over the phone through ordinary voice call or video calls. The 2 parties involved may decide to use video calls like Skype to carry out interviews.

A mobile phone, Laptop, Tablet or desktop computer with an internet connection is required for this.



Surveys and questionnaires are 2 similar tools used in collecting primary data. They are a group of questions typed or written down and sent to the sample of study to give responses.

After giving the required responses, the survey is given back to the researcher to record. It is advisable to conduct a pilot study where the questionnaires are filled by experts and meant to assess the weakness of the questions or techniques used.

There are 2 main types of surveys used for data collection, namely; online and offline surveys. Online surveys are carried out using internet-enabled devices like mobile phones, PCs, Tablets, etc.

They can be shared with respondents through email, websites, or social media. Offline surveys, on the other hand, do not require an internet connection for it to be carried out.

The most common type of offline survey is paper-based surveys. However, there are also offline surveys like Formplus that can be filled with a mobile device without access to an internet connection. 

This kind of survey is called online-offline surveys because they can be filled offline but require an internet connection to be submitted.



One of the major elements and basis of statistical research is data collection, where the most basic data that can be collected in this process is primary data. In other words, we can say that data is the basis of all statistical operations and primary data is the simplest of all data.

Primary data is one of the 2 main types of data, with the second one being the secondary data. These 2 data types have important uses in research, but in this article, we will be considering the primary data type.

We will introduce you to what primary data is, examples, and the various techniques of collecting primary data.

What is Primary Data? 

Primary data is a type of data that is collected by researchers directly from main sources through interviews, surveys, experiments, etc. Primary data are usually collected from the source—where the data originally originates from and are regarded as the best kind of data in research.

The sources of primary data are usually chosen and tailored specifically to meet the demands or requirements of a particular research. Also, before choosing a data collection source, things like the aim of the research and target population need to be identified.

For example, when doing a market survey, the goal of the survey and the sample population need to be identified first. This is what will determine what data collection source will be most suitable—an offline survey will be more suitable for a population living in remote areas without internet connection compared to online surveys.

Examples of Primary Data

This is an important aspect of business strategy that involves the process of gathering information about the target market and customers. The data gathered during market research is primary as it is tailored specifically to meet the business needs.

An organization doing market research about a new product (say phone) they are about to release will need to collect data like purchasing power, feature preferences, daily phone usage, etc. from the target market. The data from past surveys are not used because the product differs.

When conducting academic research or a thesis experiment, students collect data from the primary source. The kind of data collected during this process may vary according to the kind of research being performed—lab experiments, statistical data gathering, etc.

For example, a student carrying out a research project with the aim of finding out the effect of daily intake of fruit juice on an individual's weight will need to take a sample population of 2 or more people, feed them with fruit juice daily and record the changes in their weight. The data gathered throughout this process is primary.

Although people react differently to trauma, there is usually a trait common to people who have gone through the same kind of trauma. The research aimed at finding out how victims of sexual abuse overcame the traumatic experience will include interviewing the survivors, sending them surveys, or any other primary source of data collection.

Experiences differ and every situation is unique. Therefore, using secondary data may not be the best option in this case.