What is ultrasonic wave?

Sound wave is a vibration that is transmitted through a medium, such as air, water, and metals. Ultrasonic wave is defined as “inaudible sound with high frequency for human” the frequency of which generally exceeds 20 kHz. These days, sound wave which is not intended to be heard is also called ultrasonic wave.


Longitudinal wave and transverse wave

There are types of ultrasonic waves, longitudinal wave, transverse wave and surface wave, etc.

 In a solid, there simultaneously exist two types of elastic waves. One is an elastic wave that has a displacement in the same direction of the propagation direction of the wave called longitudinal wave or density wave and another is an elastic wave that has a displacement to the vertical direction of the propagation direction of the wave called traverse wave or shear wave.


Our ultrasonic processing machine mainly uses the longitudinal wave.


<<Longitudinal wave>>




<<Transverse wave>>


<<The following table shows physical property of longitudinal wave and

transverse wave of the main material>>