NDT - Phased Array Ultrasonic testing (PAUT)

LMATS’s  PAUT experts have been involved in various research and development programs and have been pioneers in some of the techniques in Australia. The research and development program focused on PAUT as an emerging technique for the advanced inspection of critical discontinuities in the power industry. LMATS’s personnel have conducted literature reviews and published local conference papers of PAUT on compliance to Standards and the use of qualification blocks to increase probability of detection. Research investigations have been conducted on the effects of PAUT signal responses to temperature, surface conditions and couplants beyond those prescribed in Standards. Specially designed calibration blocks were also fabricated for PAUT testing on different materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, low carbon steel and Inconel. Undertaking the research and development program has produced sound fundamentals for understanding the theory and practical aspects behind PAUT.

PAUT fits into the NDT inspection repertoire and is complimentary just like any other technique. The technique has many potential applications, but can be inhibited by limitations such as geometry, time and access. In general, a scan plan is required as an initial step to ensure suitable beam coverage is achieved. LMATS’s team of PAUT operators are capable of developing PAUT scan plans and can offer technical justification summaries to account for test parameters. Furthermore, they have vast experience in developing PAUT procedures and work instructions for the traceability and repeatability of inspections

LMATS’s personnel have experience performing PAUT inspections locally and overseas. They have vast experience in many industries ranging from power generation, mining, transport and petrochemical. LMATS’s personnel are certified by AINDT, BINDT, TWI CSWIP Phased Array Level 2 and are competent at performing PAUT in these environments through regular safety training and inductions.  LMATS provide regular PAUT / TOFD services from our branches in Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Western Australia. From one of these branches, PAUT / TOFD services are also offered in Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory and overseas in Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines and PNG.

Depending on client needs, LMATS has capabilities to deliver the following expertise:

·         Perform encoded scans on complex geometries

·         Individually tailor development of qualification blocks, configuring rigs for data collection and levels of post-analysis reporting

·         100% weld volume coverage at scanning intervals of 1mm,  of high pressure and high temperature piping welds at power station sites using encoded scanning  on circumferential and seam welds between 20mm to 75mm wall thickness

·         Inspection of small bore tubes - internal diameter of 50mm down to 6mm.

·         Inspection of complex geometry branch welds with variable weld profile using encoded scanning for accurate sizing of internal defects

·         Turbine and generator components inspections with special  focus on areas of high stress concentration  such as fur tree serrations of turbine blade roots and geometry changes along exciter cooling fans

·         Detection of corrosion wastage in wind tower foundation bolts with reliable monitoring of corrosion wastage along the length of bolts up to 5 times its diameter.

·         Corrosion inspection of storage tanks

·         In-situ inspection of transverse cracks along shafts and axles for the public transport sector.

·         Provide accurate analysis and reporting on the presence of any cracks to enable the client to make an informed decision for repair or continued operation

·         Country wide inspection of pipeline welding, high pressure vessels, bifurcation lines and valve bodies and provision of detailed analysis reports.

·         Inspection of  various flat and shaped Aerospace CFRP (Composite Fibre Re-enforced Polymers) for delaminations and other discontinuities



PAUT - Phased Array Ultrasonic testing

PAUT - Phased Array Ultrasonic testing is one of the advanced Ultrasonics methods, widely known for its higher probability of detection and precise measurement capability.  PAUT has many advantages over other traditional ultrasonic and radiograpahic test methods.  PAUT is Fast, Accurate, Traceable, Archivable

Description: PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic testingDescription: https://lmats.com.au/images/services/advanced_ndt/paut/PAUT-Bridge-scan1.webp


LMATS has capabilities to deliver the following expertise:

·         PAUT Corrosion mapping to estimate thickness at finite points in pressure vessels, pipes, tanks and structures. 

·         PAUT on butt welds in pipes and pressure vessels and large structures.Bifurcation lines, Valve bodies, etc

·         PAUT scans on complex geometries including painted cylindrical, trapezoidal fuel transport tankers

·         Individually tailor development of qualification blocks, configuring rigs for data collection and levels of post-analysis reporting

·         100% weld volume coverage at scanning intervals of 1mm,  of high pressure and high temperature piping welds at power station sites using encoded scanning  on circumferential and seam welds between 20mm to 75mm wall thickness

·         Inspection of small bore tubes - Internal diameter of down to 38mm; having a minimum wall thickness of 6mm

·         Inspection of complex geometry branch welds with variable weld profile using encoded scanning for accurate sizing of internal defects

·         Turbine and generator components inspections with special  focus on areas of high stress concentration  such as fur tree serrations of turbine blade roots and geometry changes along exciter cooling fans

·         Detection of corrosion wastage in wind tower foundation bolts or other similar HOLD DOWN BOLTS with reliable monitoring of corrosion wastage along the length of bolts up to 5 times its diameter

·         In-situ inspection of transverse cracks in shafts, axles, spindles, hold down bolts.

·         Precise detection, measurement and reporting of smaller cracks for condition monitoring or repair.

·         Inspection of  various Aerospace CFRP (Composite Fibre Re-enforced Polymers) for delaminations and other discontinuities.

 LMATS has developed several innovative PAUT solutions for odd shaped objects. One of the PAUT application developed by LMATS is shown below. The following photograph illustrates an unit which is designed and developed to examine mobile fuel transport tanks from outside painted surface to detect anamolies on the internal surface without emptying the tank. 

Description: https://lmats.com.au/images/services/advanced_ndt/paut/PAUT-on-Tankers.webp

This eliminates the need of emptying the tank followed by washing, drying for confined space entry for internal inspection. This innovative solution had eliminated downtime for the Asset owners increasing their productivity and thus saving operational cost.


PAUT Corrosion & thickness mapping

Advanced PAUT Corrosion mapping and wall thickness inspections

LMATS offer PAUT Corrosion mapping and wall thickness inspections. PAUT Corrosion mapping and wall thickness inspections are used to identify the assets  condition affecting short-term reliability and identify immediate remedial maintenance needs. LMATS are also able to identify trends (component and plant monitoring) for medium to long-term reliability and maintenance planning.

LMATS regularly inspect for corrosion and wall thickness on a variety of assets including:

·         Tank Bottoms

·         Tank Walls

·         Pipelines both on and off line

·         Bridge decks

·         Bridge staunchens.

LMATS Advanced NDT PAUT Corrosion & thickness mapping services covers the following industries but not limited to:

·         Petro Chemical

·         Gas

·         Oil

·         Energy Generation

·         Transport

·         Aerospace

·         Marine

·         Manufacturing

·         Refrigeration

·         and more.

Description: paut-thickness-and-corosion-mapping