Ultrasonic Testing – Pulse-Echo Method

The method is based on mechanical waves (ultrasound) generated by a piezo-magnetically excited element at a frequency typically in the range between 2 and 5 MHz. Control involves the transmission, reflection, absorption of ultrasonic propagated wave in the controlled part. Transmitted wave beam is reflected within the play and the flaws, then returns to the flaw that can be both transmitter and receiver. Positioning fault is done by interpretation of the signals.


·         Identification of internal defects in welds, metal, plastics, ceramics, glass.

·         Examination of plates, castings and forgings.

Types of examinations:

·         Pulse-echo ultrasound examination using longitudinal and transverse waves.


·         Ultrasonic examination presents a series of advantages compared to other non-destructive methods, it has a high sensitivity and high mobility;

·         Using the method is not limited only to magnetic materials (as with magnetic particles) nor to the discontinuities open to the surface (such as dye penetrant) and to the scan, it does not require any kind of radiation protection;

·         The possibility of determining the position of the defect in the controlled part;

·         Mobility of the equipment.


·         Krautkramer-USM 36;

·         Olympus –MXU.