Question Set 175

41) What are the benefits of cycloidal gears?

The primary benefits of the cycloidal gears are:

·          It has a wider and high-power flank as compared to Involute gears.

·          The contact of Cycloidal gears is between the concave surface and the convex flank. This will reduce the wear and tear of the engine.

·          There are no chances of occurring any interference in Cycloidal gears.

42) Briefly explain the term Gravity

Specific Gravity is the proportion of the mass of a substance to the density of a reference substance.

43) Why is cast iron seasoning important before machining?

Cast iron seasoning is important for easy machining and saving the cutting edge of the tool.

44) What do you understand by heat treatment?

It is an operation that involves heating and cooling process of metals to change its properties.

45) How can you identify mild steel, cast iron, and high carbon steel?

You can identify these metals by a spark. Mild steel gives medium and dense sparks. Cast iron gives very thick and short flashes. High carbon steel gives long and thick sparks.

46) Define the term latent heat.

It is an amount of heat that changes the property of material without increasing its temperature any further.

47) Why do you need a biological shield in nuclear plants?

The biological shield absorbs a neutron, gamma, and beta radiation and protects living things.

48) How to report calorific values of fuel?

You can report them using the following methods:

·          As a received or wet basis.

·          Dry or moisture-free basis.

·          Combustible or ash basis.

49) Explain the nuclear reactor.

A nuclear reactor is a plant which initiates, controls, sustains, and maintains the nuclear fission chain reaction. It protects against radioactive radiation.

50) Define case hardening

Case hardening is a method of making outer surfaces harder of the steel parts. It is done to use low carbon steel.

51) Why is heat treatment of steel metal crucial?

It is important to get the desired property, change electrical and magnetic properties, and relieve the stress after hot or cold working.