Question Set 119

Description: Impulse Turbine & Reaction Turbine

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

It is defined as the absolute pressure head at the inlet to the pump minus (-) the vapor pressure head corresponding to the temperature of the liquid pumped plus (+) the velocity head.

Description: NPSH

Refrigeration is the process where heat is transferred from low temperature to high temperature medium with the help of external work.

It’s unit is ton of refrigeration.

COP = Co-efficient of Performance.

It is used to measure the performance of a refrigeration system. It is generally expressed by the ratio of evaporation work or refrigeration effect to the compressor work or net work.

Description: COP

1 (one) ton of refrigeration means heat absorbed while melting 1 ton (2000 lb) of ice at zero degree Celsius at 24 hours .

Description: TR

BTU = British Thermal Unit ;

1 BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one lb water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Sub-cooling or under cooling is done before throttling or expanding the refrigerant and it ensures that no vapor enters the expansion valve.

Super-heating is done before compression and it ensures that no liquid enters the compressor.

Reversed Carnot or Reversed Rankine Cycle.

Description: Carnot & Reversed Carnot Cycle


LMTD refers to Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference . It is used to measure the temperature difference in double pipe heat exchangers. The more the LMTD the more heat will be transferred.

Condenser is a heat exchanger which converts saturated vapor into liquid. For doing so the condenser temperature must be below than the saturation temp.

Cooling tower is the device in which recirculating condenser water is cooled by the evaporative method with direct contact to the atmosphere.