Question Set 116

1. A hollow shaft of same cross-section area as solid shaft transmits

·         Same torque

·         Less torque

·         More torque

·         Unpredictable

2. In a cantilever beam, maximum deflection occurs at where

·         Bending moment is zero

·         Bending moment is maximum

·         Shear force is zero

·         Slope is zero

3. In a rectangular beam, when width, depth and length are doubled, the bending stress will be

·         Shall remain unchanged

·         Shall be doubled

·         Shall become ¼ th

·         Shall be halved

4. In an I –section beam, the bending moment is resisted mainly by

·         Flanges only

·         Web only

·         Both by flanges and web

·         None of the above

5. Strain energy is the

·         Energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limits

·         Energy stored in a body when strained up to the breaking of a specimen

·         Maximum strain energy which can be stored in a body

·         Proof resilience per unit volume of a material

6. The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress is

·         Zero

·         Minimum

·         maximum

·         Infinity

7. Euler’s formula holds good only for

·         Short columns

·         Long columns

·         Both short & long columns

·         Weak columns

8. A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15° C to 40° C and it is free to expand. The bar Will induce

·         No Stress

·         Shear Stress

·         Tensile Stress

·         Compressive Stress

9. The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is __________ the stress induced when the same load is applied gradually.

·         Equal to

·         One-half

·         Twice

·         Four times

10. A body is subjected to a tensile stress of 1200 MPa on one plane and another tensile stress of 600 MPa on a plane at right angles to the former. It is also subjected to a shear stress of 400 MPa on the same planes. The maximum normal stress will be (See Solutions)

·         400 MPa

·         500 MPa

·         900 MPa

·         1400 MPa