1.Why rockets using liquid hydrogen have higher specific impulse compared to liquid hydrocarbon ?


Ans: Liquid hydrogen has higher burning velocity.


2.Why axial flow compressor is preferred for gas turbines for aeroplanes ?


Ans: Because it has low frontal area.


3.What is the effect of inter cooling in gas turbines ?


Ans: It decreases thermal efficiency but increases net output.


4.Why iso-octane is chosen as reference fuel for S.I. engines and allotted 100 value for its octane number ?


Ans: Iso-octane permits highest compression without causing knocking.


5.Why thermal efficiency of I.C. engines is more than that of gas turbine plant ?


Ans: In I.C. engine maximum temperature attained is higher than in gas turbine.


6.Which are the reference fuels for knock rating of S.I. engines ?


Ans: n-heptane and ISO-octane.


7.When effect of variations in specific heats is considered then how do maximum temperature and pressure vary compared to air standard cycle ?


Ans: Temperature increases and pressure decreases.


8.Quantities like pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, etc. are independent of mass. What are these called ?


Ans: Intensive properties.


9.The amount of radiation emitted per scm per sec is called .... ?


Ans: Emissive power.


10.In convection heat transfer, if heat flux intensity is doubled then temperature difference between solid surface and fluid will ?


Ans: Get doubled.