Obligation of Confidentiality



1.   Based on ordinary moral considerations:

       I.        Respect for autonomy:

- Recognizing the legitimate control over private information (individuals or corporations).

-    This control is required to maintain their privacy and protect their self-interest.





Respect for Promise:


Respecting promises  in terms of employment  contracts not to divulgcertain



information considered sensitive by the employer








Regard for public wellbeing:


Only when there is a confidence that the physician will not reveal information,





The patient will have the trust to confide in him.


Similarl only   whe companie maintai som degre of  confidentiality



concerning their products, the benefits of competitiveness within a free market



Are promoted.



2 Based on Major Ethical Theories:


-          All theories profess that employers have moral and institutional rights to decide what information about their organization should be released publicly.

-          They acquire these rights as part of their responsibility to protect the interest of the organization.

-          Al th theories rights   ethics duty ethics   an utilitarianis justify   this confidentiality but in different ways.