Faithful Agent Argument




National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code states,


“The engineer ………will act in professional matters for client, or employer as a faithful agent or trustee……………Hwill not actively participate in strikes, picket lines or other coercive action

Meaning that when one is a faithful trustee of ones employer he cannot actively participate in any collective forcible action.



Board of Ethical Review argued that engineers have a higher standard than self-interest and that their ethical duty is to act for their employer as a faithful agent or trustee.



Collective bargaining is inconsistent with loyalty to employers because it


  is against the desires of the employer


  uses force or coercion against the employer and


  involves collective and organized opposition.


But every instance of such conduct need not be unethical.


An example:


Three engineers sincerely feel that they are underpaid.  After their representations to their bosses are in vain, they threaten their employer, politely, that they would seek employment elsewhere. Here, even though, they act against the desires of their employer and have acted collectively, they have not acted unethically or violated their duty.




Faithful agency only concerns with performing ones duty but does not mean that safet y, salary and other economical benefits cannot be negotiated  from a position of strength. Employees duty to employer does not mean unlimited sacrifice of self-interest