Difficulties in establishing Safeguards
Incomplete knowledge of the engineering subject
Refusal to face hard questions caused by lack of knowledge
False sense of security
e.g. Nuclear waste disposal problem
Caution in stating probabilities of rare events
Varying understanding of risk based on presentation of facts
Risk assessments based on incorrect/unacceptable assumptions/data
Only a few persons/groups participate in the exercise
Some of the ways by which engineers may try to reduce risks.
In all the areas of works, engineers should give top priority for product safety.
They should believe that accidents are caused by dangerous conditions that can be corrected. Negligence and operator errors are not the principal causes of accidents.
If a product is made safe, the initial costs need not be high if safety is built into a product from the beginning. It is the design changes done at a later date that are costly. Even then life cycle costs can be made lower for the redesigned or retrofitted product (for safety).
If safety is not built into the original design, people can be hurt during testing stage itself.
They should get out of the thinking that warnings about hazards are adequate and that insurance coverage is cheaper than planning for safety.
All it takes to make a product safe is to have different perspective on the design problem with emphasis on safety.