Concept of Safety




1 A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for John A. Shedd

2 A thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable - William W. Lawrence

    We buy an ill-designed Iron box in a sale-> Underestimating risk

    We judge fluoride in water can kill lots of people -> Overestimating risk

    We hire a taxi, without thinking about its safety -> Not estimating risk

    How does a judge pass a judgement on safety in these 3 cases?

….So, this definition won't do in real life.




Then, what is acceptable also depends upon the individual or group’s value judgment. Hence a better, working definition of concept of safety could be,



A thing is safe (to a certain degree) with respect to a given person or group at a given time if, were they fully aware of its risks and expressing their most settled values, they would judge those risks to be acceptable (to that certain degree).”   -Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger



A thing is NOT SAFE if it exposes us to unacceptable danger or hazard



RISK is the potential that something unwanted and harmful may occur.


a We take a risk when we undertake something or use a product that is not safe. Risk in technology could include dangers of

b.     bodily harm,


c.     economic loss, or


d.     environmental degradation.


    Some  may  assume  that  safety is  a  concrete  concept,  while  risk is  a  vague, hypothetical concept

    In fact, its the other way around


    Risks always exist. But true safety never exists, except in hypothetical situations


    So, risk is reality, safety is  fantasy