Imagine you are a fresh graduate.




You get a job as an engineer in a large atomic power plant.




    Would you take it or not?


    Under what conditions would you take it?


    Under what conditions would you not?






People as Consumers:




    Active Consumers:  directly  involve  themselves  e.g.,  mowing  the  lawn,  washing clothes or toasting bread.

    Passive Consumers: have less choice and less control e.g., Water, Electricity, Petrol,


    Bystanders: e.g., exposed to Pollution from unknown sources




.What is safe to Entrepreneurs, may not be so to Engineers. e.g., Pilots: "Indian Airports are not safe; Low Vision in Fog



What is safe to Engineers, may not be so to Public.  e.g., Top loading Washing Machine




Typically several groups of people are involved in safety matters but have their own interests at stake. Each group may differ in what is safe and what is not.