Nano - Materials

Nanostructured materials are those materials whose structural elements—clusters, crystallites or molecules have dimensions in the range of 1-100 nm. These small groups of atoms, in general, go by different names such as nanoparticles, nanocrystals, quantum dots and quantum boxes. Substantial work is being carried out in the domain of nanostructured materials and nanotubes during the past decade since they were found to have potential for high technology engineering applications. One finds a remarkable variations in fundamental electrical, optical and magnetic propertiethat  occur as  one progressefrom  ainfinitely extended’ solito  a particle of material  consisting  of  a  countable  number  of  atoms.  The  various  types  of  nanostructured materials which has been considered for applications in opto-electronic devices and quantum- optic devices are nano-sized powders of silicon, silicon-nitride (SiN), silicon-carbide (SiC) and their thin films. Some of these are also used as advanced ceramics with controlled micro structures because their strength and toughness increase when the grain size diminishes. Carbon- based nanomaterials and nanostructures including fullerenes and nanotube plays an increasingly pervasive role in nanoscale science and technology. Today, nanotechnology is being heralded as the next enabling technology that will redesign the future of several technologies, products and markets.