Compacting / Pressing of metal powders.

Pressing the powders into desired part shape as closely as possible to final dimensions

Powders are compacted using high pressure.

·         Degree of pressure required depends upon

ü  Required density of final product

ü  Ease with which powder particles will weld together.

·         Compacting processes are

a)     Die pressing

b)     Roll pressing

c)      Extrusion

Die pressing

It consists of upper punch and lower punch as shown in fig.

Powder is filled on the space above lower punch.

Upper punch applies high pressure to the powder.

Finally the green compact powder is received as shown in fig. 

Description: Module 3 Lesson 3 Fig.3.3.6

 Die pressing

Roll pressing

 Two rolls of appropriate sizes are used.

Stream of powder is guided, so that the rolls are able to apply the necessary compacting pressure in a continuous sequence.

Description: Module 3 Lesson 3 Fig.3.3.7

Roll pressing

Extrusion method

Ram is used for applying force.

 Two dies are used for achieving proper thickness.

As seen in the figure the green compact is received which is further send for sintering process.                 

Description: Module 3 Lesson 3 Fig.3.3.8
