Profile is one the five types of
GD&T control. This geometric dimension and Tolerancing tutorial will be
concentrating over the different profile types of GD&T controls with
ASME Y14.5 talks about five
categories of geometric dimensioning and Tolerance (GD&T) controls. Profile is
one among them. The Profile itself has two subtypes of
GD&T control: Profile of a line and profile of curve.
This GD&T symbol controls the
profile of a line (straight or curved) in a 2D tolerance space.
The above example signifies that at
both the cross sections (X-X and Y-Y), the arrow marked curved line should lie
between a tolerance zone of 0.2. For locating the maiden line of the boundary
lines of the 0.2 tolerance zone, we have used two datums. However, using of
datum is not mandatory for the profile of a line GD&T control.
The profile of a surface is the 3D
form of the profile of a line GD&T control. By applying profile of a
surface control, we ensure that the indicated curved (or flat) surface should
lie in between a set of parallel surfaces with specified distance.
In the above example, the profile of
a surface tolerance is applied as 0.2, means the whole curved surface should
lie between a set of equilateral parallel surfaces 0.2 apart.
○ The profile types of
GD&T tolerance are used for controlling a curved (or flat
sometimes) surfaces and the edges of the surfaces.
○ Profile tolerances may or may not use datum.
○ If nothing is specified, profile tolerance zone
is unilateral against the ideal surface or curve.
○ For refinement of profile tolerance, two single
segment feature control frame can be used.
The profile types of geometric
dimensioning and Tolerancing controls are used to control the form of geometry.
There are two sub-types under the profile types of GD&T. These GD&T
symbols are used 2D (profile of a line) as well as 3D (profile of a surface)
geometric features.