Pressurized Water Reactor and Fast Breeder Reactor , Advantages and Disadvantages

Pressurized Water Reactor

The fuel used in the pressurized water reactor is enriched uranium. Water acts as a moderator and coolant. Through the reactor core, the water must be passed and the liberated heat must be carried to the nuclear fission of the fuel. But here, the water is not boiled because of the low boiling point. So it remains in the liquid state, it is placed in a pressuriser at a pressure of 1200 PSI. From the reactor it enables flow of the water to the steam generator. It passes through the heat and allowed to follow by the feed water later, it is converted into the steam.

Fast Breeder Reactor

In the fast breeder reactor the core consists of uranium 235 and another one is surrounded by a fertile material or uranium 238 and it is converted into fissionable material plutonium 239. The plutonium 239 is suitable for the chain reaction. So the reactor must be converted into the breeds’ fissionable material from the fertile material of uranium 238 which is available in the large quantity.

In this reactor we can use two states of liquid metal coolant circuits. The primary coolant must be liquid sodium and it dispersed through the pipes of intermediate heat exchanger transfer as it is heated. Sodium potassium alloys acts as a secondary coolant. The sodium potassium alloys are passed thought the steam generator and the heat must be exchanges to the feed water. Coming to the point of thermal efficiency and safety fast breeder reactors are better than conventional reactors.

Advantages of nuclear power plant:

Disadvantages of nuclear power plants: