Specific Speed of Centrifugal Pump

The specific speed of a centrifugal pump is defined as the speed of an imaginary pump, identical with the given pump, which will discharge 1 liter of water, while it is being raised through a head of one meter. Mathematically, specific speed,

Title: Specific Speed of Centrifugal Pump - Description: Specific Speed of Centrifugal Pump

The ranges of specific speeds for different types of pumps are given in the following table.

Type of pump

Slow speed with radial flow at outlet

Medium speed with radial flow at outlet

High speed with radial flow at outlet

High speed with mixed flow at outlet

High speed with axial flow at outlet

Specific speed inr.p.m.

10 - 30

30 - 50

50 - 80

80 - 160

160 - 150