Types of fit

The three types of fit are:

1.     Clearance: The hole is larger than the shaft, enabling the two parts to slide and / or rotate when assembled.

2.     Location / transition: The hole is fractionally smaller than the shaft and mild force is required to assemble / disassemble

3.     Interference: The hole is smaller than the shaft and high force and / or heat is required to assemble / disassemble

Clearance fits


Description and usage

Example fit

Loose running

Larger clearance where accuracy is not essential - e.g. pivots, latches, parts affected by corrosion, heat, or contamination


Free running

Large clearance where accuracy is not essential and involves high running speeds, large temperature variations, or heavy journal pressures


Easy running

Moderate clearances with minimal requirements for accuracy - e.g. high running speeds, large temperature variations, high journal pressures, long shafts, pump or fan bearings


Close running

Small clearances with moderate requirements for accuracy - e.g. moderate running speeds and journal pressures, shafts, spindles, sliding rods



Minimal clearances for high accuracy requirements, which can be easily assembled and will turn & slide freely - e.g. guiding of shafts, sliding gears, crankshaft journals



Very close clearances for precise accuracy requirements, which can be assembled without force and will turn & slide when lubricated - e.g. precise guiding of shafts


For example, using an H8/f7 close-running fit on a 50 mm diameter:[1]

·         H8 (hole) tolerance range = +0.000 mm to +0.039 mm

·         f7 (shaft) tolerance range = −0.050 mm to −0.025 mm

·         Potential clearance will be between +0.025 mm and +0.089 mm

Transition fits


Description and usage

Example fit

Tight fit

Negligible clearances which can be assembled or disassembled by hand - e.g. hubs, gears, pulleys, bushings, frequently removed bearings


Similar fit

Negligible clearance or interference fit which can be assembled or disassembled with a rubber mallet - e.g. hubs, gears, pulleys, bushes, bearings


Fixed fit

Negligible clearance or small interference fit which can be assembled or disassembled with light pressing force - e.g. plugs, driven bushes, armatures on shafts


For example, using an H7/k6 similar fit on a 50 mm diameter:[1]

·         H7 (hole) tolerance range = +0.000 mm to +0.025 mm

·         k6 (shaft) tolerance range = -0.018 mm to +0.002 mm

·         Potential clearance / interference will be between +0.043 mm and −0.002 mm

Interference fits


Description and usage

Example fit

Press fit

Light interference which can be assembled or disassembled with cold pressing - e.g. hubs, bearings, bushings, retainers


Driving fit

Medium interference which can be assembled with hot pressing or cold pressing with large forces - e.g. permanent mounting of gears, shafts, bushes (tightest possible with cast iron)


Forced fit

High interference shrink fit requiring large temperature differential of parts to assemble, permanent coupling of gears and shafts that cannot be disassembled without risking destruction


For example, using an H7/p6 press fit on a 50mm diameter:

·         H7 (hole) tolerance range = +0.000 mm to +0.025 mm

·         p6 (shaft) tolerance range = +0.042 mm to +0.026 mm

·         Potential interference will be between −0.001 mm and −0.042 mm.