Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps

Because most of the pumps on board ship are centrifugal pumps, we will examine the symptoms and common causes of centrifugal pump problems here.

Centrifugal pumps work, as the name suggests, on the centrifugal forces acting on the liquid being pumped. 


The centrifugal force is imparted to the liquid through the high-speed rotation of a specially shaped impeller.

Whenever we find a centrifugal pump not performing well, the causes can usually be traced back to 3 common reasons:

      Suction related problem

      System related problem

      Mechanical related problem

Now you can easily pinpoint the trouble. Download free DiagnoPump, the pump troubleshooter software.



Suction Related Problem

The liquid inside the impeller must behave like a solid column in order for the centrifugal pump to work. More liquid must replace whatever liquid forced out by centrifugal force. If the solid column of liquid is broken, by the presence of air, the pumping effect is reduced or broken, and the pump does not perform properly. Some of the common suction related faults are:

      Pump not primed

      Pump suction pipe not completely filled with liquid

      Suction lift too high

      Insufficient margin between suction pressure and vapor pressure

      Excessive amount of air or gas in the liquid

      Air pockets in the suction line

      Air leaks into the suction line

      Air leaks into the pump through the stuffing box or gland

      Foot valve too small

      Foot valve partially clogged

      Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently submerged

      Water seal pipe plugged

      Seal cage improperly located in stuffing box, preventing sealing fluid entering space to form a seal

System Related Problem

Most of the system related problems occur because of design flaw. For example, the designer may have chosen the wrong pump whose characteristic does not match the system requirement. For the Marine Engineer working on board ship, these problems are rare. Perhaps sometimes, when replacing motors, and starting up. Below are some of the common reasons:

      Speed too low

      Speed too high

      Wrong direction of rotation

      The total head of system higher than design pump head

      The total head of system lower than design pump head

      Specific gravity of liquid different from design

      Viscosity of liquid differs from that for which the pump was designed

      Operation at very low capacity

      Parallel operation of pumps unsuitable for such operation

Mechanical Related Problem

This group of problems is most often encountered on board ship. The effects of mechanical related problems could manifest themselves as suction related problems, like air leaks in the system, worn out impellers, and mouth rings, but the most common occurrence is the presence of vibration and abnormal noise in the equipment.

All equipment on board ship, including centrifugal pumps will encounter mechanical related problems. The practice of good maintenance, and vigilant watchkeeping will lessen the damage to the equipment. Some of the common mechanical related problems are:

      Foreign matter in the impeller


      Foundations not rigid

      Shaft bent

      Rotating part rubbing on stationary part

      Bearing worn

      Wearing rings worn

      Impeller damaged

      Casing gasket defective, permitting internal leakage

      Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored at the packing

      Packing improperly installed

      Incorrect type of packing for operating conditions

      Shaft running off-center because of worn bearings or misalignment

      Rotor out of balance, resulting in vibration

      Gland too tight, resulting in no flow of liquid to lubricate the packing

      Failure to provide cooling liquid to water-cooled stuffing boxes

      Excessive clearance at bottom of stuffing box between shaft and casing, causing packing to be forced into pump interior

      Dirt or grit in sealing liquid, leading to scoring of shaft or shaft sleeve

      Excessive thrust caused by a mechanical failure inside the pump or by the failure of the hydraulic balancing device, if any.

      Excessive grease or oil in anti-friction bearing housing or lack of cooling, causing excessive bearing temperature

      Lack of lubrication

      Improper installation of anti-friction bearings

      Dirt getting into bearings

      Rusting of bearings due to water getting into housing

      Excessive cooling of water cooled bearing, resulting in condensation of moisture from the atmosphere in the bearing housing