Benefits of Energy Storage

Investment Creates Long-term Reliability

Our investment in energy storage evolves with our grid, creating long-term benefit and reliability for years to come.

Energy storage is a critical hub for the entire grid, augmenting resources from wind, solar and hydro, to nuclear and fossil fuels, to demand side resources and system efficiency assets. It can act as a generation, transmission or distribution asset – sometimes in a single asset.

Ultimately, storage is an enabling technology. It can save consumers money, improve reliability and resilience, integrate generation sources, and help reduce environmental impacts.

All in one.

Save Money

Energy storage can save operational costs in powering the grid, as well as save money for electricity consumers who install energy storage in their homes and businesses. Energy storage can reduce the cost to provide frequency regulation and spinning reserve services, as well as offset the costs to consumers by storing low-cost energy and using it later, during peak periods at higher electricity rates.

By using energy storage during brief outages, businesses can avoid costly disruptions and continue normal operations. Residents can save themselves from lost food and medicines, and the inconvenience of not having electricity. And there is an option for both businesses and residential consumers to participate in demand response programs when available.