CNC GuideWays

CNC Machine Guideways

Precise positioning and repeatability of CNC machine tool slides are the major functional requirements of CNC machines. The inaccuracies that are caused is mainly due to the stick slip motion when plain slide ways are used [metal to metal contact] therefore.

·         Guide ways are used in machine tools to:

·         Control the direction of the table on which tool or work is held

·         To absorb all static and dynamic forces

·         Size and shape of the work produced depends on accuracy of movements and geometric and kinematics accuracies of guide ways.

·         Straightness, parallelism and flatness errors in guide ways result in tracking errors

·         Alignment of guide ways as to each other and to the axis of spindle is critical

·         Wear in guide ways reduces accuracy of movement

·         Sped vary from 20mm/min to 30mm/min


1) Friction guide ways

2) Anti-friction guideways