Intermediate phases:

An intermediate phase may occur over a composition range (intermediate solid solution) or at a relatively fixed composition (compound) inside the phase diagram and are separated from other two phases in a binary diagram by two phase regions. Many phase diagrams contain intermediate phases whose occurrence cannot be readily predicted from the nature of the pure components. Intermediate solid solutions often have higher electrical resistivities and hardnesses than either of the two components. Intermediate compounds form relatively at a fixed composition when there exists a stoichiometric relationship between the components, for example: Mg2Ni and MgNi2 in Mg-Ni system. These are called inter-metallic compounds, and differ from other chemical compounds in that the bonding is primarily metallic rather than ionic or covalent, as would be found with compounds in certain metal-nonmetal or ceramic systems. Some metal-nonmetal compounds, Fe3C, are metallic in nature, whereas in others, MgO and Mg2Si, bonding is mainly covalent. When using the lever rules, intermetallic compounds are treated like any other phase, except they appear not as a wide region but as a vertical line.

Number of phase transformations may takes place for each system. Phase transformations in which there are no compositional alternations are said to be congruent transformations, and during incongruent transformations at least one of the phases will experience a change in composition. Examples for (1) congruent transformations: allotropic transformations, and melting of pure materials (2) incongruent transformations: all invariant reactions, and also melting of alloy that belongs to an isomorphous system. Intermediate phases are sometimes classified on the basis of whether they melt congruently or incongruently. MgNi2, for example, melts congruently whereas Mg2Ni melts incongruently since it undergoes peritectic decomposition.