Indian culture The salient aspects of Art Forms in India Social Conditions in 18th Century Freedom Struggle End of the East India Company Important Indian Freedom Fighters and their contributions The Freedom Struggle – its various stages History of the World will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, The World Wars Innovations in the period of industrial revolution Colonialism, Explained Political philosophies like communism Political philosophies like Capitalism Political philosophies like Socialism Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country SALIENT FEATURES OF INDIAN SOCIETY Role of Women and Women’s Organization Women’s organization in India Poverty and Developmental Issues Population and Associated Issues Reasons for current increase in the world population Urbanization in India Impact of Globalisation on India Psychological Impact on Indian Society Salient features of world’s physical geography Social Empowerment – Women Empowerment What is regionalism? Impact of Regionalism in India Communalism in India Secularism in India Natural Resources in India & World