Population and Associated Issues

Human population are also theme to usual process of birth and death. World is facing major challenge of rapid increase in human population since last many decades, (UNFPA, 2011). In various parts of globe, there is unparalleled rapid demographic change and the most noticeable example of this change is the vast expansion of human. It is expected that in near future, it will increase rapidly and give birth to numerous issues in the least developed regions. It is recommended that there is a desperate need to take urgent steps to control population otherwise serious problems can arise such as environment damage and restricted availability of food resources. Constant growth of population is major issue and therefore it is significant to understand how policy makers can manage population growth for the benefit of society.

The influence of population on the financial system is apparently straightforward. It is about having enough resources to meet the needs of the growing number of people. Since the same resources are shared by all members of the society, everybody is affected by development and many are underprivileged of their access to the same resources. The merits and drawbacks of controlling population growth can be recognized with reference to the very tangible reality of basic education development. It has been shown in studies that population issues are vital component of policy discussion on social and economic development. They encompass a broad sense of concern that range from questions of design of appropriate intervention to lessen fertility, improve the health of mother and children, encourage better birth spacing, and reduce population growth (Sanderson, 1993).

Concept of population: Population is described as the number of people in an area based on specific categories such as ethnicity, age, income, sex, and social economic status. Population is continually changing due to birth and death rate and relocation among families to explore good sources of income. Population is calculated by counting the actual number of people in a given area and measuring birth to death ratios. Population Growth can be defined as the change in population over time and can be quantified as the change in number of individuals in a population as “per unit time”.

Centripetal and Centrifugal forces foresees how successful the country’s financial system is going to be; many people travel in or out of the country to find suitable jobs. In every unit area, population density is the measurement of the amount of people in a given square mile. In metropolis region, the population is more dense because of limitation of land area and in rural and suburban areas, people own more land and is generally used for agriculture and income.

Statistical reports indicated that China and India are nations with the huge population in the world. Due to massive land and lack of contraception, the population is mounting at a rapid rate within these countries. Developed countries such as the United States subcontract in China and India because the labour cost is low-priced. Labour laws in these countries are not synchronized which allow these countries to take shortcuts which means more products to export.

Due to the industrial revolution, the population has been growing at great pace during the past. Developed countries are visualizing increasing trends based on the monetary development. In these areas, the more people are able to provide for the family, the larger the family gets. Nations where industrial development is slow, population is growing but most people struggle to survive due to deficit in medical facilities and shortage of water and food. The industrial revolution generated income for people and these people get funds for shelter and food. Thomas Malthus was sensible philosopher who expected population to grow in time as long as there’s food and shelter. However, due to fast growth of the population, many serious issues emerged like diseases and scarcity of resources.

World Population Growth: Source: U.S. Census Bureau: International data base June 2011 

Population explosion in developing countries such as India is a matter of concern because it disrupts the development of the country and its society. The developing countries already face challenge of limited resources due to fast growth of population as the resources available per person are reduced further which results in increased poverty, malnutrition, and other large population-related problems. The factual meaning of population is “the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region” and the literal meaning of population outburst is “a pyramiding of numbers of a biological population”. As the number of people in a pyramid increases, the issues associated with it becomes severe and worsen the situation of country. The main factors that greatly impact the population change are the birth rate, death rate and migration. The birth rate is the ratio between births and individuals in a specified population and time (Miller, 253).

Population growth from the past to present is in increasing trend, and it will continue at even a rapid rate in the next few decades. The main problem arise from fast population growth is the lack of resources and land. When population explode, the more waste would be produced. Academicians and researchers stressed that country must develop ways to lessen future problems through educating developing countries and provide contraception to areas that have larger population growth. Other ways to tackle issues of population expansion is to create sustainability laws, monitor natural resources, and replenish what was taken out of the earth. Many experts advocated that it is imperative to educate the general public about major issues due to overpopulation and pollution which can help prevent future disasters. Increase wakefulness of contraception and to become more environmentally friendly will make human life secure in near future.

India and Population: India is considered to be one of the most populous countries at global scale. Population in this country is growing speedily due to globalisation and establishment of many factories which consecutively create jobs for many unskilled workers. India has the second largest population in the world and will soon exceed China. The majority of the population growth takes place in poverty suffering areas due to lack of contraception and medical centres. The fertility rate which is the amount of children per woman that would be birthed in her lifetime is at 6 children per woman; while, in developed countries like U.S. the fertility rate is at 2 children per woman. The carrying capacity of India is very restricted due to exaggerate utilization of natural resources. The shortage of clean water and over harvesting of crops proves damaging to the environment. Sustainability is a colossal issue in India and people of India are not well educated to utilize resources in appropriate way. Such lack of knowledge about replenishing resources is leaving people out of options on the next step to take.

In India, most of the population lives in crowded slums because land is limited and pollution is increasing day by day. Though, India’s financial system is improved due to new business ventures. Many persons moved from rural areas to cities for better opportunities. The probability of children going to school in the city is more common than in rural areas. But job opportunities are still limited and with lack of education and skills, many people are unemployed. With population growth astounding at an alarming rate, waste is also accumulating in areas where children and old people are exposed of toxic waste. Many parts of India are not capable of providing proper sanitary practices such as a bathroom and toilet. Many rivers and lakes are contaminated with organic and man-made waste. Many people bath, drink, and eat fish from the same source. It has adverse impact on health on populace of India such as people are contracting salmonella and other gastrointestinal illnesses due to unhygienic conditions. The poor are left to live amongst waste that has accumulated from the explosion of the population and the wealth of the economy. The worst condition due to increase in population is that many poor people collect utility items through wastelands to build shelter. Unfortunately, poverty exists throughout the world but is a growing problem in thickly populated nations such as India and China. Government involvement is to reduce poverty in rural India. Many programs funded by the government organized that help the poor which significantly changed many lives. It has been observed that people are given education, welfare, and proper sanitation.

Population growth in India from2001- 2011 (Source: Census 2011 : Provisional Population Total – INDIA) 

Reports indicated that in 1 January 2015, the population of India was estimated to be 1 286 956 392 people. This is an increase of 1.34 % (16 979 590 people) compared to population of 1 269 976 802 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 17 131 987. Due to external migration, the population declined by 152 397.The sex ratio of the total population was 1.068 (1 068 males per 1 000 females) which is higher than global sex ratio. During 2015 India population is estimated to be increased by 17 206 607 people and reach 1 304 162 999 in the beginning of 2016. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 17 361 042. If external migration will remain on the previous year level, the population will be declined by 154 435 due to the migration reasons. It means that amount of people who leaves India to settle permanently in another country (emigrants) will prevail over the amount of people who moves into the country (http://countrymeters.info/en/India).