Tips for Preparation of Preliminary Exam

1.Conceptual and Selective study: For the working class as they have very though time and are able to give only few hours of day for there preparation they should be very selective in study , They should just stick to syllabus and exam pattern and study on those what is required. They should avoid wasting time on studying unnecessary things which are of lesser relevance.

2.Strict schedule: As the working class has the most important constraints ‘time’ they should make a proper timetable and should strictly follow it .This strict schedule will help them to focus on their study pattern and also save their time.Abiding to their planned routine is must.Careless nature and delaying habit will gain no profit.

3.Everyday learning: IAS, as it is the most esteemed post, requires full dedication and daily learning. You can never gain success if your preparation is faulty. The best and efficient way to train yourself is to study regularly, you should read newspapers, magazines and many other study materials that will gain you quality of knowledge. In order to clear this so called though exam an addiction to books is very important.

4.Wise selection: There is wide range of subject for CSE. One should not make haste instead should settle their mind and with common sense in their practical matters they should select their subjects. You should select only those subjects in which you are most confident, that it will give you more grades.Form the very first test i.e prelims one has to face questions of many different subjects, therefore its difficult to opt out anything in particular, but be selective on what you can score better at.

5.Upgrade your General Knowledge: Preliminary round is only their to check the ability and general knowledge of the aspirants. It is very important to be familiar with current affairs, history, geography, science, sports, mathematics, economy and others, so that to score excellent grade in this exam.

6.Be your own publisher: For having thorough and perfect study you should make your own notes. Preparing ones own notes settles the point easily in mind . These personal notes are very helpful in last few days of revision and also you called as best last minute revision books.

7.Acquaint with previous year papers: You should solve sample test papers. Solving previous year papers will give you confidence and will test your knowledge too. Along with studying and revisions you should also solve previous year papers and other sample test papers available in the books or online.

8.Full determination: Wise pattern of study and dull dedication is all required to clear this exam. You should not loose your focus . If one has full focus which is backed with a good preparation then you will not have to fear about result.

9.Stick to you job: Don’t resign from your job to prepare for this exam, your present job is like a blessing to you in disguise. Other candidates who only sits and prepare for exam have a feeling of insecurity in mind .You on the other hand already have job and thus you have a fall back option.

10.Make maximum use of time: What we mean is utilizing your time wisely and to the fullest . You should keep handy books , atlas or newspaper with you so, that you can refer to those while travelling or whenever you have spare time. This is known as fine and smart study. Inspite of having busy day you should learn to steal time for your biggest dream also this will lessen your burden of study and enhance it further.

Mains Exam Study Strategies, Proven Tips

For any goal set, Strategy is a must .without this it can be difficult or failure can be the outcome And if a goal is UPSC then strategies are below to follow:

Before that take a look at the marking scheme like where we can actually score and where id the pressure beholding

The marks which are counted for final ranking (Mains + Interview) are:

GS Based Marks= GS Prelims 200 + GS Mains, 1000 + Essay, 250 (Essay means Mains GS and writing style) + Interview,  275 (It means Mains GS and communication style) = 1725

Optional Based Marks = 500

Aptitude based Marks = Prelims Aptitude, 200 = 200

What most important to have the post?

Of course, sincerely devoted study

Good writing style

To the Point Approach

Basic command over English and Aptitude Good grasp over current affairs

Healthy competitions and feedbacks. i.e. critical self-assessment

Quality material and guidance

Patience and Self-confidence

When should we start the preparation for prelims is a general question?

Well, for the next year’s Preliminary exam in August, followed by Mains.
One should start preparation around seventh months prior to the exam. If you are going to appear immediately after graduation, then don’t waste time, start immediately after your final exam. If you are going to study while working, it is possible but starts earliest. No delay should be there to start otherwise you will experience time beat later.
If you are preparing during graduation, the generalized plan cannot be suggested, so discuss personally with us to evolve an individual plan.


How to start preparation is an another usually asked questions?

For that if you have joined Synergy, just follow the curriculum of the batch, you will reach the destination. If you are starting on your own, to begin with following the initial steps:

·         Analysis of previous question papers Understanding of Syllabus

·         Reading of basic study material

·         Start writing easy questions

·         There is also a great issue about how to select the optional subject?

·         This is a very important decision. Fortunately, in the new format, GS is much more important. So don’t take this decision at the beginning. First, start preparing for GS and then after some time take this decision. Because in four GS papers you will be introduced to a variety of optional subjects like History, Geography, Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology. This will help you to determine your interest in a particular subject. Every subject has its own demand (i.e. thinking pattern, writing style, presentation techniques etc). Your personality should be favourable to it. Following are some basic criteria:


Interest and understanding of the subject

Analysis of the syllabus and previous year’s question papers of shortlisted subjects

The writing style and presentation techniques suitable for that particular optional

Thinking Pattern expected for a particular optional (you will come to know about yours after you prepare for GS.) -Availability of study material Availability of guidance Weightage of optional in GS Graduation background Apart from this, some give importance to the length of the syllabus

While preparing for GS Mains, you will be also introduced with History, Geography, Public Administration, Political Science, Sociology etc. It will help us in deciding our interest in a particular optional subject properly rather than selecting an optional without having knowledge of other subjects or without knowing our own writing and presentation styles and thinking patterns, it is better to take time for this decision. It will be proof to one’s more informed and rational approach.