• The dynamic characteristics of a transducer refers to the performance of the transducer when. it is subjected to time-varying input.
• 'I'he number of parameters required to define tho dynamic behavior of a transducer is decided by the group to which the transducer belongs.
• The transducers can. be .categorized into
1. Zero-order transducers
2. first-order" transducers'
8. Second-order transducers
4:. Higher-order transducers
Zero-order transducer
The input .. output relationship of a zero-order transducer is given by
Y (t)= Kx (t)
x (t). ~ input
y (t) ~ output
K ~ Static - sensitivity of the transducer
• The transfer function ofthe
zero-order transducer is given by
• ThisequatioIi shows that the output varies in ,'thesame,'way 'as the "Input.
• Hence, a zero-order transducer. response, represents ideal dynamic' , performance.