1. AC DC Converters
2. AC Motor Control
3. AC Windings
4. Application of Permanent Magnet
5. Approximate Circuit Model
6. Approximate Equivalent Circuit Transformer
7. Armature Control
8. Armature Reaction
9. Audio Frequency Transformer Definition
10. Auto Transformer
11. Back to Back Test on Three phase Transformers
12. BH Curve Relationship
13. Braking of DC Motors
14. Brushless DC Motors
15. Capability Curve of Synchronous Generator
16. Characteristics of DC Generators
17. Characteristics of DC Motors
18. Choice between Star Delta Connection
19. Choice of Transformer Connections
20. Circuit Model of Single phase Induction Motor
21. Circuit Model of Synchronous Machine
22. Circuit Model Parameters
23. Classes of Squirrel cage motors
24. Cogging and Crawling
25. Commutation
26. Comparison of Modern Devices
27. Comparison of Single phase and 3 phase Induction Motors
28. Compensating Winding
29. Compound Generator
30. Construction of Induction Motor
31. Construction of Transformer
32. Current sheet Concept
33. DC Machine
34. DC Machine Applications
35. DC Machine Circuit Model
36. DC Machine Diagram
37. DC Machine Dynamics
38. DC Motor Control through Choppers
39. DC Motor Control through Converters
40. DC Windings
41. Deep Bar Rotor
42. Determination of Armature Reaction
43. Determination of the Synchronous Reactance
44. Development of Circuit Model
45. Digital Recording Definition
46. Distributed Winding
47. Double Cage Rotor
48. Dynamical Equations of Electromechanical Systems
49. Efficiency and Testing
50. Efficiency and Voltage Regulation
51. Electric Field Energy
52. Electrical Drives
53. EMF and Torque
54. Energy Density Formula
55. Energy in Magnetic System
56. Excitation Phenomenon in Transformers
57. Field Energy and Mechanical Force
58. Flow of Energy in Electromechanical Devices
59. Forced Commutation
60. Forced Cooling Transformer
61. Forces Torques in Systems with Permanent Magnets
62. Gate Turnoff Thyristor Operation
63. Generated Voltage of ac Winding
64. Harmonic Content in the Distributed Winding
65. High Efficiency Induction Motors
66. Hopkinsons Test
67. How does a Transformer Work
68. Hunting in Synchronous Machines
69. Hybrid Stepper Motor
70. Hysteresis Eddy Current Loss
71. Ideal Transformer Phasor Diagram
72. Induction Generator
73. Induction machine Dynamics
74. Induction Machine Principle
75. Insulated Gas Bipolar Transistor
76. Introduction to Armature Windings
77. Introduction to Induction Machine
78. Introduction to Synchronous Machine
79. Introductions to DC Machines
80. Inverted Induction Machine
81. Isolated Induction Generator Working Principle
82. Magnetic Circuit Calculations
83. Magnetic Field
84. Magnetic Leakage in Rotating Machines
85. Magnetic Materials Properties
86. Magnetically Induced Emf and Force
87. Magnetization Characteristics
88. Matching Characteristics of Electric Machine and Load
89. Methods of Excitation
90. MMF of Distributed AC Windings
91. MOS Controlled Thyristor
92. Motor Control by Static Power Converters
93. Motoring Mode of Operation of an Electrical Machines
94. Multiply Excited Magnetic Field Systems
95. Name Plate Rating
96. Natural Transformation
97. Nature of Armature Reaction
98. No Load Transformer Phasor Diagram
99. Operating Characteristics of Synchronous Machine
100. Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generators
101. Parallel Operation of Transformers
102. Permanent Magnet Definition
103. Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor
104. Phase Control of Induction Motor
105. Phase Conversion
106. Phasor Diagram of Transformer
107. PNP Power Transistor
108. Power Across Air Gap Torque Power Output
109. Power Converters
110. Power Darlington
111. Power Flow Transfer Equations
112. Power MOSFET
113. Predetermination of External Characteristic
114. Principle of Operation of Induction Motor
115. Pulse Width Modulation Inverter
116. Rating and Loss Dissipation Rating
117. Real Transformer Equivalent Circuit
118. Realistic Machine
119. Recent Trends in Electric Machines
120. Rheostatic Control
121. Rotating Machines Basic Concepts
122. Rotating Machines Losses Classification
123. Rotating Magnetic Field
124. Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Two Reaction Model
125. Self Excitation
126. Series Motor
127. Series Motor or Universal Motor
128. Series Parallel Control
129. Shaded Pole Motor
130. Short Circuit Transient in Synchronous Machine
131. Short Pitched Coils
132. Shunted Armature Control
133. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
134. Silicon Rectifier Diode
135. Single Phase 2 winding Motor
136. Single Phase Bridge Inverter
137. Single Phase Half Bridge Inverter
138. Single Phase Induction Motors
139. Single Phase Synchronous Generators
140. Single phase Synchronous motors
141. Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation
142. Slip Test
143. Speed Control in Induction Machine
144. Speed Control of DC Motors
145. Split phase Motor
146. Starting Induction Motor
147. Starting of DC Motors
148. Static Induction Thyristor
149. Static Induction Transistor
150. Static Kramer Drive
151. Static Scherbius Scheme
152. Stepper Motor
153. Sumpners Test
154. Switching Transient
155. Synchronous Machine Model and Its Basics
156. Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars
157. Synchronous Machine Torque Equation
158. Synchronous Machine Working Principle
159. Tap Changing Transformer
160. The Per Unit System
161. Three phase Bank of Single phase Transformers
162. Three Phase Bridge Inverter
163. Three Phase Converters
164. Three phase Generator Working
165. Three Phase Transformer
166. Three Winding Transformers
167. Thyristor Motor Control
168. Tooth Ripple
169. Torque in Round Rotor Machine
170. Torque Slip Characteristic
171. Transformer Cooling System
172. Transformer Losses
173. Transformer Testing
174. Two layer Winding
175. Two phase Servomotor
176. Types of Motor
177. Variable Frequency Transformer
178. Vector Control of an Induction motor
179. Voltage and Current Transformers
180. Voltage and Harmonic Control of Inverters
181. Voltage Regulation
182. Voltage Regulation Formula
183. Ward Leonard Speed Control