Response of AC Circuits

Finding the Response of Series RL Circuit

Consider the following series RL circuit diagram.

Description: Description: Description: RL Series Circuit

In the above circuit, the switch was kept open up to t = 0 and it was closed at t = 0. So, the AC voltage source having a peak voltage of Vm volts is not connected to the series RL circuit up to this instant. Therefore, there is no initial current flows through the inductor. The circuit diagram, when the switch is in closed position, is shown in the following figure.

Description: Description: Description: Closed Series RL Circuit

Now, the current i(t) flows in the entire circuit, since the AC voltage source having a peak voltage of Vm volts is connected to the series RL circuit.

We know that the current i(t) flowing through the above circuit will have two terms, one that represents the transient part and other term represents the steady state.

Mathematically, it can be represented as

i(t)=iTr(t)+iss(t)Equation 1
