How to Run an Effective HR Department

In order to run an effective human resources (HR) department, you must devise a strategy for achieving key HR needs. According to the Young HR Manager website, these key needs include employee recruitment and retention, motivation, development and engagement. These goals can be achieved by using the strategic management process. Strategic planning is an effective method of determining an organization or department's course over the next year, as well as setting measurements of success. This process is useful whether your HR department consists of one person or 20.

1. Review your organization's mission statement. The strategic planning process begins with a concise mission statement that articulates the company's reason for being in existence. You should also write an HR mission statement, detailing how the department will support the mission of the organization. For example, the organizational mission statement might address how the company will provide the best possible service to its customers, while the HR mission statement addresses how the department will develop and sustain its employees in support of that mission.

2. Develop strategic objectives. These are concrete goals which must be met in order to uphold the mission of the organization. Strategy managers commonly articulate these objectives as the SMART goals method. SMART goals are goals that are Specific and Measurable, reasonably Attainable, Relevant to the missions and tied to a specific Time line for completion.

3.Analyze the current situation of your organization in relation to the desired situation. This may be achieved by performing a SWOT or similar situation analysis. Use the SWOT analysis to identify your department's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The HR department should analyze such elements as organizational structure, key staff requirements and employee development.

4.Formulate a strategy for meeting your objectives, and closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. This typically consists of developing policies and procedures designed to take advantage of the organization's strengths and opportunities, while combating its weaknesses and threats. For example, the strategy might include a plan to improve employee development processes, and ensure the HR department is capable of providing the organization with competent workers who are capable of completing the work necessary to fulfill the organization's mission.

5.Implement the strategy. Distribute your new policies and procedures to supervisors and managers at the operational level and provide training as necessary to ensure full understanding. Measure and evaluate the success of the policies and procedures and adjust as needed.