Induction and Orientation

The Induction duly helps employees to undergo each and every phase of environment of Company and an introduction to his team and others. It gives them the platform of knowing and understanding the culture and knowing “ Who is who” .It is such a phase which gives a glimpse of entire Organization in that short span.

The process:

The Induction and Orientation program is done on the basis to make the employee

Whether permanent or temporary or trainees get the feel of self-belongingness and work comfortably in the new culture.

The molding program might be different for different employees but the purpose is same.

Definition 1: Planned Introduction

“It is a Planned Introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the organization per se.”

Orientation conveys 4 types of information:

·         Daily Work Routine

·         Organization Profile

·         Importance of Jobs to the organization

·         Detailed Orientation Presentations


Purpose of Orientation

·         To make new employees feel at home in new environment

·         To remove their anxiety about new workplace

·         To remove their inadequacies about new peers

·         To remove worries about their job performance

·         To provide them job information, environment


Types of Orientation Programs

·         Formal or Informal

·         Individual or Group

·         Serial or Disjunctive


Prerequisites of Effective Orientation Program

·         Prepare for receiving new employee

·         Determine information new employee wants to know

·         Determine how to present information

·         Completion of Paperwork


Problems of Orientations

·         Busy or Untrained supervisor

·         Too much information

·         Overloaded with paperwork

·         Given menial tasks and discourage interests

·         Demanding tasks where failure chances are high

·         Employee thrown into action soon

·         Wrong perceptions of employees


What is the difference between induction and orientation?

Induction referred to formal training programs that an employee had to complete before they could start work

Orientation was the informal information giving that made the recruit aware of the comfort issues – where the facilities are, what time lunch is and so forth. How long should the induction process take?

It starts when the job ad is written, continues through the selection process and is not complete until the new team member is comfortable as a full contributor to the organization’s goals.

The first hour on day one is a critical component – signing on, issuing keys and passwords, explaining no go zones, emergency procedures, meeting the people that you will interact with all have to be done immediately.  Until they are done the newcomer is on the payroll, but is not employed.

After that it is a matter of just in time training – expanding the content as new duties are undertaken.