workforce analysis

You can't plan in human resources if you don't have the information on which to base your actions. Workforce analysis involves identifying current and anticipated future supply of labor and skills, identifying what you need and will need in the future in terms of labor, skills and competencies (demand analysis), and then identifying the gaps between the current and future supply and current and future demands (a gap analysis). Then you action plan around how to reduce the gaps.


Supply Analysis
Internal supply 
- Current workforce demographics
- Workforce trends – eligibility for retirement, separation rate, etc.
External supply


Demand Analysis

·         Critical occupations and competencies required to meet projected needs

·         Anticipated changes of programs and services (volume, delivery channel, location and duration)

·         Separation/turnover rates

·         Vacancy rates


Gap Analysis
Compare supply with demand analysis to determine future shortages and excess in the number of employees needed, types of occupations, and competencies