Flat Panel Display

Flat-Panel Devices are the devices that have less volume, weight, and power consumption compared to Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). Due to the advantages of the Flat-Panel Display, use of CRT decreased. As Flat Panel Devices are light in weights that’s why they can be hang on walls and wear them on our wrist as a watch. Flat Panel Display (FPD) allow users to view data, graphics, text and images.


Types of Flat Panel Display:

1.      Emissive Display:
The Emissive Display or Emitters are the devices that convert electrical energy into light energy.

Examples: Plasma Panel, LED (Light Emitting Diode), Flat CRT.

2.      Non-Emissive Display:
Non-Emissive Display or Non-Emitters are the devices that use optical effects to convert sunlight or some other source into graphic patterns.

Examples: LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Advantages of Flat Panel Devices:

·         Flat Panel Devices like LCD produces high quality digital images.

·         Flat Panel monitor are stylish and have very space saving design.

·         Flat Panel Devices consumes less power and give maximum image size in minimum space.

·         Flat Panel Devices use its full color display capability.

·         Full motion video can be viewed on Flat Panel Devices without artifacts or contrast loss.