Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a term used to describe services provided over a network by a collection of remote servers. This abstract "cloud" of computers provides massive, distributed storage and processing power that can be accessed by any Internet-connected device running a web browser.
How do you access cloud computing?
Cloud computing is accessed through an application (e.g., Dropbox app) on your computer, smartphone, or tablet or a website that accesses the cloud through your browser.
Examples of cloud services
If you have spent any time on the Internet or use devices connected to the Internet, you likely have used cloud computing in some form. Below are some common examples of cloud computing you have likely heard of or used.
- Adobe Creative Cloud is a cloud-based Software as a service offering from Adobe.
- AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Amazon EC2 - provides a variety of different cloud computing services
- Dashlane - Online password service to synchronize and manage passwords between all devices.
- Google App Engine - A service that provides users the ability to create scalable web services that use Google's resources.
- Google Calendar - A way to organize your schedule, synchronize, and share events with your friends.
- Google Docs - A fantastic free solution from Google that allows you to open Microsoft Office documents as well as share them with other users with Internet access.
- Microsoft OneDrive - Formerly known as SkyDrive, OneDrive is an online storage service for Windows 8 and Windows 10 users to store Windows related files, Office documents, and other files.
- Nextcloud - Open-source software that allows you to run a personal cloud server, forked from the OwnCloud project.
- Online backup - There are several online backup services to store your important information offsite in the cloud. For example, Mozy and Dropbox are two good examples of cloud storage and online storage backup solutions that store information in the cloud.
- Oracle public cloud - Oracle cloud service for small and large businesses.
- OwnCloud - Open-source software that enables you to run a personal cloud file storage service.
- Windows Azure - A cloud computing solution by Microsoft that allows companies to develop and run services from their cloud.