Digital Camera

digital camera is a hardware device that takes photographs and stores the image as data on a memory card. Unlike an analog camera, which exposes the chemicals on film to light, a digital camera uses digital optical components to register the intensity and color of light, and converts it into pixel data. Many digital cameras are capable of recording video in addition to taking photos. The picture is of a Casio QV-R62 with 6-megapixel resolution, an example of a typical digital camera.

What are the advantages of using a digital camera?

Below are key advantages that make digital cameras a popular choice when compared to film cameras.

LCD screen

The rear-mounted LCD screen on a digital camera allows users to see their photos and videos immediately after they are taken. The LCD screen can also make it easier to frame your pictures.


A digital camera can store thousands of pictures, instead of only up to 36 pictures.

Picture development

Digital camera pictures can be developed like on a standard film camera, but you can pick and choose which pictures to develop instead of having to do the whole roll of film.


Because a digital camera does not need a place for film (not an SLR), it takes up far less space and can easily be carried in your pocket or purse.

Digital camera picture quality

The quality of pictures that a digital camera is capable of taking is primarily based on its megapixel rating. The higher the megapixels, the better the picture quality. For example, a 10 MP (megapixel) digital camera takes better pictures than a 7-megapixel digital camera.

Other factors that affect picture quality include the type of camera lens, size of the lens (measured in millimeters), and type of camera itself. Lower cost digital cameras often feature a lower quality and standard size lens and provide minimal zoom capability. Higher priced, higher quality digital cameras include a better quality lens, possibly a larger size lens, and feature increased zoom capabilities.

Some digital cameras, like a digital SLR camera, allow users to adjust lighting, aperture, shutter speed, and other settings, providing improved control over picture quality. These digital cameras also allow for accessory attachments to increase or decrease the size of a lens and length of zoom.

History of the digital camera

Although the idea for a digital camera originated in 1961, the technology to create one didn't exist. The first digital camera was invented in 1975 by Steven Sasson, an engineer at Eastman Kodak. It primarily used a charge coupled device, a type of image sensor, but originally used a camera tube for image capture. That functionality was later digitized by Kodak. The first digital cameras were used by the military and for scientific purposes. Medical businesses and News reporting companies began to use digital cameras a few years later.

Digital cameras did not become common consumer electronic devices until the mid-1990s. By the mid-2000s, digital cameras mostly replaced film cameras as the camera of choice by consumers.


Pixel may refer to any of the following:


1. Term that comes from the words PEL (picture element). A px (pixel) is the smallest portion of an image or display that a computer is capable of printing or displaying. You can get a better understanding of what a pixel is when zooming into an image as seen in the picture.

As you can see in this example, the character image in this picture is zoomed into at 1600%. Each of the blocks seen in the example picture is a single pixel of this image. Everything on the computer display looks similar to this when zoomed in upon. The same is true with printed images, which are created by several little dots that are measured in DPI.

Screen pixels

In the picture below is an example of a close up of pixels on an LCD screen. As can be seen in the picture, we've zoomed into the "he" part of the word "help" to illustrate how the display works. Each pixel has RGB (red, green, and blue) color components. The brightness of each component is increased or decreased to produce the variance of colors you see on the screen.

2. Pixel may also be a shortened description of the Google Pixel smartphone.