10 Steps To Start A Business


Let’s answer the question we are going to discuss today: How to start a small-scale business? By now you might have a great idea on which you have built the blocks of your business. Let us get straight into reality. It might turn out to be quite tough or easy depending on the efforts you put in. As you have a great idea to start a business, we are going to discuss the practical steps you need to apply to turn your idea into reality. This article will help you to solidify your dream by building a preliminary foundation. In terms of detail, we are going to discuss everything from setting goals to choosing the right kind of businesses according to your requirement.  Whether a business is big or small, it needs perfect planning. As said, “All great things are conceived by great plans”. When it comes to implementing the plan, you need to follow a few definitive steps. Let us follow 10 simple, yet effective, steps for starting your own small-scale business:


Step1: Acquire knowledge about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs

Let’s get started with an honest discussion. Make an account of your understanding of the business. How do you want your business to be done? Do you want to control it or are you going to be controlled by it? How could it influence your lifestyle? Do you need to make some changes to your lifestyle in order to perform your business more efficiently? Does your lifestyle need to change? If the answer is yes, then to what extent you’re willing to compromise? What kind of entrepreneur do you want to become? Is entrepreneurship all about enthusiasm and risk-taking? If you have the answers to these questions we have asked, go forward with the plan. If not, it’s time to think about it. Collect as much information as possible about the business you want to start.


Step2: Assess The Market

Assess whether there is a target market where you can try out your business concept. If yes, then evaluate the market needs and demands. Try to understand what people are willing to pay. Assess their purchasing power. If you have not done the before mentioned, you need to take a step back and evaluate your product according to the targeted market.

Step 3: Raising money

Once you have the right market you need to look at how to finance your business idea. What are the ways to finance a small business? How could you raise money? You must start with planning for a place to conduct your business. Look out for smart locations. To raise money, you can get business financing against your asset. This is possible only if you have to have a high Cibil Credit score.

Step 4: Make a structure for your business.

Select the structure for your business. Think about what would be the drawbacks of a small-scale business? What obstacles might you need to overcome to raise money? One of the key drawbacks of small-scale business is its financing. The target market plays a major role too. You would have often observed high-tide and low-tide pattern of sales. As soon as you get to the bottom of this tide, you would start making good profits. At the very beginning, make ‘quantity’ your base and let ‘quality’ come later after generating a good customer base and loyalty. As extremely good quality comes with a huge overhead cost, small businesses targeting at quality goods often suffer. You should keep in mind that deepwater fishes are already there hunting for prey.


Step 5: Registering the business name

Choose a name your customers can feel connected to and make it count; the closer it gets to the heart the better. I suggest you pick a name on which you are devotional. As tough times may be ahead for your business, you will definitely require some moral support to hold on to, to sustain and to make your business count. While coming up for a business name check if other businesses exist with the same name. This will help you avoid unnecessary copyright issues and legal battles.

Step 6: Cover all the legal aspects

Make sure you cover all legal aspects such as permits and licensing. Get your business permit or trade license. Make an LLP (limited liability partnership) registration, if required.

Step 7: Get your hands on a good insurance

Look out for a good insurance. You can do this by performing an entrepreneurs’ bank search. Sooner or later obstacles will come. They may seem too tough in time to cross and it is necessary to be well prepared for all kinds of troubles.

Step 8: Add a separate bank account for your business

Don’t mix your personal account with the business account. As you need to keep an account of every single penny to get successful, a separate bank account is a must. It will help you in keeping your books clean too.

Step 9: Determine the Business location or a good working space

Determine the location and design the interiors that suit your business. Remember, the interiors should complement the end product you’re selling. Further,  interiors of a business is a definitive way to keep your employees and customers upbeat as a well-done interior brings positivity at work-place.


Step 10: Make a perfect business plan

The best plan is the one that works. Now that you have come across all of the nine steps above, combine all of them and write down your preparations for each step. This will help you to come up with a solid business plan. Now you have an answer to the question: How to start a  business?