Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read In 2019


They say a good book is worth a million friends. Well, that is true!

Especially, in a corporate set up there is no real friend than informative and compact books. A good read is like good food for the mind and acts as wonders to the business performance. Here we bring you a few of our top picks for 2019 which are sure to give the entrepreneurs some extra edge over their competitors’ mindset and style of doing the business.

PURPLE COW by Seth Godin

This one is for sure is one of the great reads for entrepreneurs. A well-structured and thoughtful write-up with respect to advertising, marketing and innovation are sure to teach you a lot. A purple cow is a one which stands out from the crowd, and that is what the book is all about. This is a reminder that the business must set to do something extraordinary and a guide on how to do something remarkable.

ZERO TO ONE by Peter Thiel

Entrepreneurship starts with the basic idea of bringing a change in the world. This idea is explored in deep in this book. The fruits of the analysis are jotted down as to what it takes to make something unique and innovative. For all the trendsetters and benchmark makers this one is a must grab from the bookstores. This book is a guiding map for all those who are willing to bring change in the world.

THE INNOVATORS DILEMMA by Clayton M. Christensen

It is difficult to think new and even more difficult to implement new thinking. Many major players of all the sectors have started well and even accelerated but despite that their market share kept on going down. This book can help the entrepreneurs by providing the basic lessons from business history as to why major brands can continue to perform brilliantly and still lose ownership over the market. This can surely be something like learning from others mistake.


LOSING MY VIRGINITY by Richard Branson

This one doesn’t conventionally gives a power packed actionable advice but is more about making the owners of the business believe in the idea of their business. It is all about inspiring the entrepreneurs to take a great leap of faiths. So, if you have even the slightest doubt or second thoughts go for this one and surely you will rise with another eye of self-belief.

GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins

Jim Collins’ bestseller focuses on the question that does an organization gets better with its age? There was a dedicated team of 21 people who researched on various factors in the Fortune 500 companies which later became the very foundation for the book. These cases of the companies act as the teaching tools for any entrepreneur willing to get success for his or her business.


In this rapidly growing economy, the writer breaks down the difficult financial concepts in the simplest form for the common masses to understand. This book is a must buy for anyone looking for having a balanced and successful business life.