Employee Satisfaction Key To Customer Satisfaction



The term employee happiness index has chalked its way out in the corporate world in recent years. With the rise of consumerism and the never-ending hike in the quality preferences, there has been a development in the field of employee-oriented measures.  These measures play a crucial part in determining the performance and position of the organization in general.

“The customer is always right” is a phrase pioneered by Harry Gordon Selfridge back when resources were limited and customers didn’t know their way around what the market had in store for them. This has evolved over time with the coming up of social media and the technological advancements. Customers today are informed and updated about all the latest developments in the market. They are empowered and provided with numerous alternatives, be it the product or the platform of interchange, everything has now upgraded to meet the convenience of the customers. Everything except the employees’ position.

The employees still hold former grounds and norms when it comes to their work orientation; they still have to work their way around satisfying their customers. Here is where the need for employee satisfaction strikes. Companies are now focusing on keeping their workforce happy because only a satisfied workforce will enable ground to satisfy the customers.

Where does one draw a line? How does one prioritize? A leader needs to ensure every party is happy and satisfied in order to succeed. So here are a few points to help you strike that workplace balance.


The key is to express belongingness and to make the employees realize their importance to the firm. Here is where communication helps. You need to make sure your employees can count on you to empathize with their queries and what’s important to them. You need to be there for your employees like they are there for the customers. It’s a hierarchy, you serve your employees and they serve your customers and the company.


No matter how radical it sounds, employees’ first does make sense. Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL technologies explains it in depth about this on his book –  employees first, customers second. The managers need to understand how important it is to prioritize their employees over irrational customers who do not comprehend their moral obligations and exploit the time and expertise of the employees. These customers are impossible to satisfy and they always leave behind dire responses. In such scenarios, instead of fixing things with the employees, the manager needs to support them and let loose of such customers.

It is prudent to move on instead of dwelling onto something that will only hold you back. This will, in turn, get you going and build your trust with the employee.


Supervising your employees is advisable as long as you give them their space to grow. Help create an environment where they can explore their creativity. This will help them in independent decision making and also help the firm in the long run. The employees will feel more accountable and will be more alert in the work they do. This, in turn, will increase their efficiency and result in customer satisfaction.

No matter what the situation is, always make sure to analyze the pros and cons before taking a decision. The corporate world is rapidly dynamic and in order to keep up with it, you need to keep yourself updated and right now the world revolves around the employees, so keep your employees closer and make sure to lead with an example. Cheers!