Best Business Software Programs That’ll Improve Your Business


It wasn’t too long ago when starting a new business was really complicated. You’d need to buy an office, inventory, and hire employees to help you with tasks. That era is long gone though. Today, there are countless software programs that help simplify everyday business tasks. From marketing tools to small business software, there are countless business software solutions in today’s market. It’s never been easier to run a business, even for those of you whose home office is your kitchen table. So here are some of my favorite business tools, along with insights from amazing entrepreneurs who dive into their favorite business software.


Best Business Software Programs for Small Businesses

1. Kit

The biggest challenge new entrepreneurs face is finding an audience to sell to. If money isn’t pouring in, your new business could go bust. But marketing can be complicated for new entrepreneurs. It isn’t easy. You won’t create one ad and hit jackpot. Fortunately, marketing tools like Kit help automate the marketing aspect of your business. It acts as a marketing assistant, sending you reminders to post on social media while also creating product ads or offering discounts to customers. Marketing software doesn’t get better than this.

2. Freedom

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by your workload that you procrastinate? I have. I originally purchased this business software, Freedom, because I saw it had been recommended by Seth Godin. What I love about this software program is that it blocks websites for a certain time so that you’re forced to just get shit done. I literally use it all the time. So goodbye notification checks, it’s time to buckle down. Another handy trick I use this for is for minimizing my personal spending. Say you spend a lot of money on certain websites, you can add the website to your block list. That way you have more money to spend on growing your business. The shopaholism is now cured, you’re welcome.

3 . Google Products

No one creates more small business software than Google. And their business tools come in pretty handy. If you’re writing a blog post, you can use Google Docs, which auto-saves all drafts you write. Google Sheets can be used to create budgets or spreadsheets. Google Analytics is great for giving you data about the performance of your website – number of pageviews, conversion details, customer insights, and acquisition channels. Keyword Planner gives you insight into which keywords to rank for on your blog posts and webpages. Google allows you to create an email address for your @ domain name while using GMail’s interface. And there’s still a long laundry list of other business software by Google that you can use as well.


4. Slack

Slack is probably my favorite small business software. Mostly because who doesn’t love instant messaging? You don’t need to add your freelancers to your Facebook or spend money on roaming charges texting them while you’re abroad. With Slack, you can communicate with freelancers, business partners, and employees more efficiently. Because let’s be honest, we all get more than enough emails. Amiright? While productivity might go a little down, team communication will be improved.


5. Zoom

Zoom is a popular business software for video conferencing. It’s free, which is awesome. You can use this business tool for chatting with freelancers, conducting interviews, or networking. I used Zoom a lot for mastermind groups with other entrepreneurs. Since we were all based in different time zones, video chats allowed us to get to know each other more personally. I found that this software program didn’t have as many glitches or issues with freezing as others I’ve tried in the past.

6. Icecream Apps

Do you manage freelancers for your business? Maybe you get some help with customer support or website development. If you pay per hour instead of a flat rate, you can use software programs like Icecream Apps Screen Recorder to record your freelancer’s screen while they work on your business. It allows you to keep your costs low as you’ll be able to track how much work they were actually doing. It’ll also give you an inside look into how they’re doing their job so you can analyze the quality of their work each day. With a business software like this, you can easily keep track of remote workers.

7. Privy

Marketing tools like Privy add email pop-ups when visitors start to leave your website. Whether you’re selling to other businesses or consumers, getting an email gives you a second chance to communicate. Privy’s exit intent pop-ups can be gamified. For example, customers can enter their email to spin a wheel that offers them a store discount. Regardless, even if they don’t use the discount, you’ll be able to continue to market to that person – warming up the lead. Considering how big of a powerhouse email marketing is for brands, this email marketing software is a must-have for any business website.

8. Mail Chimp

When it comes to email marketing software, we might as well mention the most obvious: Mail Chimp. As the most popular business software for email, Mail Chimp is perfect for new entrepreneurs. Why? Their interface is user-friendly, their pricing is affordable, and they are integrated with some of the most popular tools. For example, if you’re a Shopify store owner, you’ll find several email/marketing apps that sync up with Mail Chimp, including Privy.

9. HubSpot

HubSpot has software programs for marketing, sales, and customer support. They even have business tools like a Website Grader that analyzes the performance of your website. When it comes to their software programs, they’re designed to help you increase website traffic, acquire new leads, and close and manage your leads. HubSpot has an extensive collection of free business tools that you can find on their website.

10. QuickBooks

QuickBooks is probably one of the most important business software programs you’ll need. Especially, if you consider money an important part of your business. And I know you do. When it comes to business software for accounting, QuickBooks is arguably the most popular software for small to medium-sized businesses. It allows you to keep track of your finances, manage payroll, keep track of your bills, set up recurring payments, create invoices, and manage taxes. And a whole lot more! It’s pretty much an all-in-one business software for managing your finances.