Male Vs. Female Entrepreneurs

·         The characteristics of male and female entrepreneurs seem to be very similar

·         The backgrounds of male and female entrepreneurs also have been found to be similar

·         However, certain subtle differences in motivation, types of ventures started etc., have been identified.

Men & Women Entrepreneurs – Motivation

·         Achievement –Strive to make things happen

·         Personal independence- self-image as it relates to status through their role in the corporation is unimportant

·         Job satisfaction arising from the desire to be in control

·         Achievement-accomplishment Independence of a goal Independence - to do it alone

Men & Women Entrepreneurs- Reasons For Entering Into Entrepreneurship

·         Dissatisfaction with present job

·         Side-line in college, side-line to present job, or outgrowth of present job

·         Discharge or layoff Opportunity for acquisition

·         Job frustration

·         Interest in and recognition of opportunity in the area

·         Change in personal circumstances

Men & Women Entrepreneurs-Sources Of Funds

·         Personal asset and savings

·         Bank financing

·         Investors Loans from friends and family

·         Personal assets and savings

·         Personal loans

Men & Women Entrepreneurs – Occupational Background

·         Experience in line of work

·         Recognized specialist or one who has gained a high level of achievement in the field

·         Competent in a variety business functions

·         Experience in area of business

·         Middle-management or administrative-level experience in the field

·         Service-related occupational background

Men & Women Entrepreneurs – Personality

·         Optionalated and persuasive

·         Goal oriented

·         Innovative and idealistic

·         High Level of self-confidence

·         Enthusiastic and energetic

·         Must be own boss

·         Flexible and tolerant

·         Goal oriented

·         Creative and realistic

·         Medium level of self-confidence Enthusiastic and energetic

·        Ability to deal with the social and economic environment

Women Entrepreneurs - Background

·         Age when starting venture 25-35

·         Father was self-employed

·         College-education-degree in business or

·         Technical area

·         First born child

·         Age when starting venture-:35-45

·         Father was self-employed

·         Col1ege educated-degree in liber

·         First-born child


Men & Women Entrepreneurs – Support Groups

·         Friends, professional acquaintances (lawyers, accountants)

·         Business associates

·         Spouse

·         Close friends

·         Spouse

·         Family Women's professional groups

·        Trade associations

Men & Women Entrepreneurs – Types Of Business endures Started

·         Manufacturing or Constructor

·         Service-related- educational services

·         Consulting or public relation