Michelson-Morley Experiment

An experiment was conducted in 1887 by Michelson and Morley to verify ether hypothesis.

Experimental set-up

The details of the experimental set up is as follows:

Light beam from the source 'S' is incident at a beam splitter, which is a semi silvered glass plate. The plate splits the beam into two coherent beams and out of them one is transmitted and other one is reflected. The transmitted rays strike the mirror M1 and from there it is reflected back to plate. The reflected beam strike the mirror M2 and it is also reflected back to plate. The returned beams from mirror M1 and M2 reach the telescope T. The superposition of these two rays produce interference pattern, which are seen through the telescope T.



The separation between the P and M1 and P and M2 is same and that is equal to 'l' and this separation is called length of the arm. The light will reflected back from mirrors M1 and M2 respectively and will interfere at P. This interference pattern is noticed by Telescope T.



Time taken  by the light to travel to mirror M1 and came back to plate P

As the apparatus and the light both are moving in same direction that is when light is going towards M’2. Thus the relative velocity will be c – v. After reflection, the apparatus and the light both are moving in the opposite direction that is when light is going towards P. Thus the relative velocity will be c + v.







Apply Binomial theorem and neglect higher terms


 time taken for light to travel to M2 and back to plate





Apply Binomial theorem and neglect higher terms


Therefore the time difference between the transmitted and reflected rays will be


Using equations (1) and (2)



After this the apparatus is rotated through https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?90%5E%7Bo%7D so that mirrors will exchange their positions. 

In a rotated position the time difference the same two arms would be given by


The time delay varies as the apparatus is rotated. The total delay in https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?90%5E%7Bo%7D rotation is given by


this would cause fringe pattern to move during rotation, which can be observed experimentally.

therefore path difference in https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?90%5E%7Bo%7D rotation is given by


and phase difference


Fringe Shift

The total amount of fringe shift N on rotation can be calculated from the time difference



 Then N is calculated by putting l = 11m, v = 10-4 c and λ = 5500 angstroms

Thus N = 0.4 fringes

The experiment was performed day and night and at different times of year. Even though the sensitivity of the set up is to detect a shift of 0.01 fringe, no such shift was observed. Similar experiments were repeated by several groups but the result was same. The above experiment shows that the speed of light is constant in space irrespective of the direction and speed of inertial frame.

Explanations for negative result

The following explanations were given for the negative result of Michelson–Morley experiment.

(i) Ether drag theory: The moving bodies drag the surrounding ether with them. So, we can say that there is no relative motion between ether and earth 

(iii) Light velocity hypothesis: This hypothesis shows that the velocity of light from a moving source is the vector sum of velocity of light and velocity of source light. Based on some astronomical evidences, this hypothesis was also rejected. In 1905, Einstein proposed that the motion through ether is a meaningless concept. He does not completely rejected the idea of ether but expressed that it can never be detected. The motion of an object relative to a frame of reference has a physical concept.