Magnetic Properties

Magnetic dipole moment:

A system having two opposite magnetic poles separated by a distance d is called as a magnetic dipole. If m is magnetic pole strength and l is the length of the magnet then its dipole moment is

Magnetic induction (or)Magnetic flux density(B)=The magnetic induction in any material is the number of lines of magnetic force passing through unit area perpendicularly.

Its nits is weber/ or tesla

Magnetic field intensity(or)strength(H)=Magnetic field intensity at any point in the magnetic field is the force experienced by an unit north pole placed at thet point.

The magnetic induction B due to a magnetic field of intensity (H) applied in vaccum is related by

Magnetic permeability(µ)=magnetic permeability of any material is the ratio of the magnetic induction in the sample to the applied magnetic field intensity.

Magnetic susceptibility(x)=the ratio of intensity of magnetization (I) produced to the magnetic field strength (H) in the which the material is placed