Laplace equation

The scalar form of Laplace's equation is the partial differential equation


where  is the Laplacian.

Note that the operator  is commonly written as  by mathematicians (Krantz 1999, p. 16). Laplace's equation is a special case of the Helmholtz differential equation


with , or Poisson's equation


with .

The vector Laplace's equation is given by


A function  which satisfies Laplace's equation is said to be harmonic. A solution to Laplace's equation has the property that the average value over a spherical surface is equal to the value at the center of the sphere (Gauss's harmonic function theorem). Solutions have no local maxima or minima. Because Laplace's equation is linear, the superposition of any two solutions is also a solution.

A solution to Laplace's equation is uniquely determined if (1) the value of the function is specified on all boundaries (Dirichlet boundary conditions) or (2) the normal derivative of the function is specified on all boundaries (Neumann boundary conditions).

Coordinate System


Solution Functions


exponential functions, circular functions, hyperbolic functions

circular cylindrical

Bessel functions, exponential functions, circular functions



ellipsoidal harmonics, power

confocal ellipsoidal

ellipsoidal harmonics of the first kind

elliptic cylindrical

Mathieu function, circular functions

oblate spheroidal

Legendre polynomial, circular functions



Bessel functions, circular functions

parabolic cylindrical


parabolic cylinder functions, Bessel functions, circular functions


circular functions

prolate spheroidal

Legendre polynomial, circular functions


Legendre polynomial, power, circular functions

Laplace's equation can be solved by 

separation of variables in all 11 coordinate systems that the Helmholtz differential equation can. The form these solutions take is summarized in the table above. In addition to these 11 coordinate systems, separation can be achieved in two additional coordinate systems by introducing a multiplicative factor. In these coordinate systems, the separated form is


and setting


where  are scale factors, gives the Laplace's equation


If the right side is equal to , where  is a constant and  is any function, and if


where  is the Stäckel determinant, then the equation can be solved using the methods of the Helmholtz differential equation. The two systems where this is the case are bispherical and toroidal, bringing the total number of separable systems for Laplace's equation to 13 (Morse and Feshbach 1953, pp. 665-666).

In two-dimensional bipolar coordinates, Laplace's equation is separable, although the Helmholtz differential equation is not.

Zwillinger (1997, p. 128) calls


the Laplace equations.