Surface Area and Volume of Hexagonal Prism

Given a Base edge and Height of the Hexagonal prism, the task is to find the Surface Area and the Volume of hexagonal Prism. In mathematics, a hexagonal prism is a three-dimensional solid shape which have 8 faces, 18 edges, and 12 vertices. The two faces at either ends are hexagons, and the rest of the faces of the hexagonal prism are rectangular.

hexagonal prism

where a is the base length and h is the height of the hexagonal prism.




Input : a = 4, h = 3
Output : Surface Area: 155.138443
         Volume: 124.707657
Input : a = 5, h = 10
Output : Surface Area: 429.904
         Volume: 649.519


// C++ program to find the Surface Area

// and Volume of Hexagonal Prism.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;


// Function to calculate Surface area

void findSurfaceArea(float a, float h)


    float Area;


    // Formula to calculate surface area

    Area = 6 * a * h + 3 * sqrt(3) * a * a;


    // Display surface area

    cout << "Surface Area: " << Area;

    cout << "\n";



// Function to calculate Volume

void findVolume(float a, float h)


    float Volume;


    // formula to calculate Volume

    Volume = 3 * sqrt(3) * a * a * h / 2;


    // Display Volume

    cout << "Volume: " << Volume;



// Driver Code

int main()


    float a = 5, h = 10;


    // surface area function call

    findSurfaceArea(a, h);


    // volume function call

    findVolume(a, h);


    return 0;
